trace level

[tres ˈlɛvəl][treis ˈlevl]


  • The Effect of Environmental Factors on Microcystins Production of Microcystis Aeruginosa and the Decrease of Microcystins by Lemna Minor ; Elimination of interferences in the determination of trace level microcystins

    环境因子对铜绿微囊藻产毒的影响及浮萍对微囊藻毒素的去除 微囊藻毒素 测定中产生的干扰及排除

  • Flow Injection Analysis of the Sum of Trace Level Calcium and Magnesium in Water with CPA I Spectrophotometry

    水中 痕量钙镁总量的流动注射分析&偶氮氯膦Ⅰ分光光度法

  • If the app-domains trace level is equal or lower than the level of an event type then that message is generated .

    如果应用程序域的 跟踪 级别等于或小于事件类型的级别,则生成该消息。

  • If a particular subcomponent within this group needs to be traced you can select the trace level for the specific subcomponent instead of the entire group .

    如果需要跟踪这个组中的某个子组件,可以为这个组件(而不是整个组)选择 跟踪 级别

  • Quantitative Determination of Sulfonylurea Herbicides in a Paddy Soil at Trace Level by Capillary Electrophoresis

    毛细管电泳定量测定稻田土壤中 痕量磺酰脲类除草剂残留

  • The experimental results show that the enhancement in sensitivity and accuracy by adding barium salts was mainly due to strengthening the fractional distillation and the impurities at trace level in carbon electrode hole were concentrated and protected .

    实验结果表明,钡盐能提高灵敏度和准确 ,主要是由于增强了分馏效应,对 痕迹杂质起了浓缩和保护的作用。

  • If no other specifications match a new registration it gets in this example a trace level of2 .

    如果没有其他规范匹配新的注册,那么在此示例中它获得的 跟踪 等级就是2。

  • Determination of9 organochlorine pesticides ( usually in trace level ) is necessary for water and soil quality evaluation in geological survey project .

    有机氯农药是地质调查水和土壤 样品中必测的半挥发性有机污染物。

  • In addition multiple reaction ion monitoring mode ( MRM ) was used to to reduce matrix interference to further improve the accuracy of qualitative and quantitative which effective solve the problem of trace level and multiresidue analysis for complex matrix leeks .

    采用多反应离子监测模式(MRM),进一步减少基质干扰提高定性定量准确度,有效解决了复杂基质韭菜中多种农药残留同时 痕量检测的难题。

  • Trace level logging degrades server performance measurably .

    跟踪 级别日志记录会使服务器性能显著降低。

  • The paper describes the analytical methods of trace level hydrocarbon impurities in pure ethene and propene .

    本文介绍了 聚合 乙烯和丙烯中烃杂质的分析方法。

  • Compared different extraction solvent and Solid-phase extraction method of purification and enrichment Chromatographic conditions and MS parameters were optimized the analysis of trace level was established .

    比较研究了不同提取溶剂和固相萃取纯化和富集方法,并对色谱条件与质谱参数进行了优化选择,建立 痕量 水平分析方法。

  • Another way to dynamically set trace information is for the application itself to indicate a desired trace level on the call to the BBOA1REG Register API .

    动态设置跟踪信息的另外一种方式是应用程序自身在针对 BBOA1REGRegisterAPI的调用中指示所期望的跟踪等级。

  • Gets or sets the trace level that determines the messages the switch allows .

    获取或设置 跟踪 级别,它将确定开关所允许的消息。

  • Refer to the Information Center for more details on providing the trace level using the Register API .

    要获得有关通过使用RegisterAPI提供 跟踪 等级的更多信息,请参考信息中心。

  • A new method for the determination of trace level of anions in high pure water with large volume direct injection ion chromatography was developed .

    建立了一种采用大体积直接进样-离子色谱测定高纯水中 痕量阴离子的新方法。

  • See the InfoSphere Warehouse documentation for instructions on how to see the UIMA logs of a mining or data flow and how to change the UIMA trace level to get more information .

    查看InfoSphereWarehouse文档了解如何查看挖掘流或数据流的UIMA日志,以及如果更改UIMA 跟踪 级别获得更多信息。

  • So the rapid determination and precise quantification of trace level of OP compound are significant to human health and ecological environment . Several analytical techniques such as gas chromatography and liquid chromatography are proposed in order to determine trace levels of these toxic pesticides .

    因此,为了保护人类的健康和生态环境, 痕量农药的快速检测和精确定量就显得非常重要,许多传统的农药检测方法如气相色谱法、液相色谱法等已经被广泛的应用。

  • You might instinctively conclude that setting a more detailed trace level will generate more records and cause the buffer to wrap more quickly .

    您可能会本能地断定设置更详细的 跟踪 等级将生成更多的记录并导致缓冲区得到更快的包装。

  • Determination of Trace Level of Bromate and Perchlorate in Drinking Water by Ion Chromatography with Microwave Preconcentration

    微波浓缩-离子色谱法测定饮用水中的 痕量溴酸根和高氯酸根

  • Analysis of trace level hydrocarbon impurities in pure ethene and propene

    聚合 乙烯、丙烯中烃杂质分析

  • Finding a fast accurate detection of trace level two amine analysis method is very important to protect environment and human health .

    快速、准确地检测 痕量胺的分析方法对于保护环境和人类健康至关重要。

  • In addition the corresponding trace level of the trace is also stored in the .

    中也存储跟踪的相应的 跟踪 级别

  • Establish an appropriate trace level .

    建立恰当的 追溯 层次

  • Study on the determination of titanium at trace level in powdered milk by ICP-MS

    ICP-MS测定奶粉中 痕量钛的方法研究

  • The feasibility of degradation of trace level chloroform in the pipe network water by ultrasonic is probed and the preliminary study on the reaction orders and changes in pH value for the removal of chloroform by ultrasonic is conducted .

    探讨了超声波降解管网水中 微量 氯仿的可行性,并初步研究了超声波对氯仿去除的反应级数以及pH值的变化;

  • The levels from verbose to critical are stacked on top of each other that is each trace level includes all levels above it except the off level .

    从“详细”到“严重”的级别彼此堆叠,即每个 跟踪 级别都包括其上除“禁用”级别以外的所有级别。

  • So it is a serious issue to remove mercury at trace level in water .

    因此,去除水中 微量甚至 痕量的汞是一个刻不容缓的环境问题。