


  • Traceability and Auditability is key .

    跟踪 和可审核性是关键。

  • One way of creating visibility and traceability is by having all modeling tools use a single global repository .

    创建可见性和 追溯 的一种方法是让所有的建模工具使用一个全局存储库。

  • Then you should be able to realize the benefits of high-efficiency traceability and flexibility .

    然后你就可以实现这三大利益:高效 追踪 和灵活性。

  • Traceability is the backbone of a requirements management tool .

    跟踪 是一个需求管理工具的支柱。

  • The cost was so staggeringly high that the client removed the traceability requirement from the contract .

    我们发现代价高得惊人,客户也因此在合约中取消了对 跟踪 的需求。

  • Traceability and Auditability can be achieved in a unified manner .

    跟踪 和可审核可以以一种统一的方式实现。

  • Warranty replacement for nonconforming purchased products ; logistic requirements ; product identification and traceability ;

    对不合格采购产品进行更换的保证;物流要求;产品标识和 追溯

  • Currently there is no standard way to capture this traceability information .

    现今,并没有一种标准化的方法能够实现对 追踪 信息进行的捕获。

  • The scheme was verified to satisfy the security demand of full anonymity and full traceability .

    并证明了方案的安全性满足完全匿名性和完全 追踪

  • This provides traceability linkage in this phase .

    这提供了这个阶段的 追溯 链接。

  • Studies of Chilled Pork Safety Control Technology and Traceability Information Management System

    冷却肉安全控制技术和 追溯信息系统研究

  • There is limited traceability between requirements design and code and test requirements .

    需求、设计以及代码和测试需求之间的 跟踪 非常有限。

  • This traceability and automation is enabled by the Mylyn APIs and there 's more on the way .

    这种 跟踪与自动化就是由MylynAPI实现的,当然了,它能做的还有更多。

  • The quality tracing and traceability system of productions entire processes is the important technology tools to protect pork safety .

    安全生产全过程质量跟踪与 溯源系统是保障猪肉安全的重要技术工具。

  • Another way to assess a change 's potential value and feasibility is through traceability .

    变更的潜在价值和可行性的另一种评估方式是通过 追踪

  • This purpose of this procedure is to provide for a system and instructions for item identification and traceability .

    本程序为物项的标识和 追溯 提供了一套体系和指示要求。

  • Also you can use the traceability function to determine the impact of changes on requirements .

    同样,您可以使用 追溯功能确定变更对需求的影响。

  • These traceability views have columns for links to requirement and defects .

    这些 追溯 视图具有链接到需求和缺陷的列。

  • Provides traceability for the business objectives identified in the modeling phase .

    提供了建模阶段中确定的业务目标的 跟踪

  • Food traceability plays an important role in the management of food manufacturing processing and consumption .

    食品 溯源管理对食品生产、加工和消费过程起到重要的 监管作用。

  • Traceability and Auditability can be more centrally governed as part of a solution for policy and rules .

    跟踪 和可审核性可以更集中地作为一个策略和规则的解决方案进行管理。

  • Apply quality assurance to traceability as well .

    追溯 应用质量保证。

  • Traceability is improved at a business policy and rule level .

    跟踪 在业务策略和规则层面上得到改进。

  • The method of traceability design was applied to a practical automatic test system and good effects were obtained .

    在某型自动测试系统研制中应用 溯源 设计方法,取得了良好的效果。

  • The diagram notation of the UML enhances the understandability traceability verifiability and modifiability of the requirements model .

    UML图表符号提高了需求模型的可理解性、 追踪 、可验证性和可修改性。

  • The Logging pattern provides service invocation traceability .

    日志记录(Logging)模式提供了服务调用 跟踪

  • Using these solutions along with a documented consistent process you can provide distribution and traceability support .

    通过使用这些解决方案以及一个文档化的一致过程,你就可以提供发布和 跟踪 能力支持了。

  • Then according to calibration requirements of automatic test systems the traceability design was presented .

    进行了自动测试系统的 溯源 设计;

  • In ISO terminology traceability shows that design input is linked to design output and has been verified .

    在ISO的术语, 追溯表明,设计的输入链接到输出设计,并得到了验证。