abbr.triphospho-pyridine-nucleotide 三磷酸吡啶核苷酸

  • Conclusion Gastrointestinal damage and operation may cause hypophosphatemia and TPN can aggravate hypophosphatemia .

    结论胃肠损伤及手术可导致低磷血症,而 静脉 营养会加重低磷血症。

  • The Protection of Liver Function in TPN of Pediatric Surgery with Compound Coenzyme

    复合辅酶在小儿外科 静脉 营养中的保肝作用

  • Objectives : To investigate the mechanism of protein synthesis promoting of GH intensified TPN on patients with traumatic response .

    目的:了解生长激素(GH)强化的 TPN对创伤后细胞因子变化的影响,以探讨生长激素促进蛋白质合成作用的可能机制。

  • OBJECTIVE : To exchange the experiences gained from working in the field of total parenteral nutrition ( TPN ) .

    目的:交流从事全胃肠外营养( TPN)工作的心得。

  • This paper presented the clinical results and complication of total parenteral nutrition ( TPN ) in276 abdominal surgical patients .

    本文报告了276例腹部外科病人应用全肠外营养( TPN)治疗的效果与并发症。

  • Applying the formal technique of integrated TPN and B method in Web Service


  • Group C TPN with arginine .

    C组, TPN+精氨酸。

  • The effect of different dosage intralipid in TPN on immune function was prospectively and randomly studied in 63 children .

    对63例创伤儿童进行了随机性、前瞻性研究以期了解不同剂量脂肪乳剂 胃肠 营养 TPN 对创伤儿童免疫功能的影响。

  • Objective To establish a stable model of total parenteral nutrition ( TPN ) in rats with liver transplantation .

    目的建立稳定的肝移植大鼠全肠外营养( TPN)模型。

  • Objective To prevent and reduce the complication of total parenteral nutrition ( TPN ) on patients .

    目的预防减少完全胃肠外营养( TPN)治疗患者的并发症。

  • The plasma albumin concentration decreased significantly in two groups and more in TPN group ( P < 0.05 ) .

    两组病人的血浆白蛋白水平均下降,但 TPN组下降更为明显,组间比较有统计学意义(P<0.05)。

  • Objective To study the effects of vitamins A E and C with TPN on antioxidation in peritoneal sepsis .

    目的观察 完全 胃肠 营养 TPN 添加维生素A、E、C对腹腔感染 抗氧化能力的影响。

  • Conclusions : TPN can improve the immune function in postoperative patients with gastric cancer .

    结论: TPN能提高胃癌术后病人 血清 IL12水平,并能改善胃癌根治术后应激期 机体的免疫功能。

  • TPN support can supply appropriately body needed nutrition and reduce exocrine secretion of pancreas for patients with severe pancreatitis .

    对重症胰腺炎病人 TPN支持能适当补充机体所需的营养,减少胰腺外分泌。

  • All cases no matter operated on or not were treated with TPN therapy on the basis of complex treatment .

    本组无论手术或非手术 病人均在综合治疗的基础上 给予 静脉 营养疗法。

  • For every threat it analyzes the rule of propagation and builds a threat propagation network ( TPN ) .

    对每个威胁,分析其传播规律,建立 相应的威胁传播网络;

  • TPN related infection is real may be related to hyperglycemia and the presence of an indwelling catheter .


  • Objective To investigate the causes of complications during TPN and the prevention and therapy .

    目的探讨 胃肠 营养 TPN 治疗的并发症发生的原因及防治方法。

  • Conclusion Asp combined with Nal may intervene protein metabolism in TPN and reduce protein loss in sepsis .

    结论联合使用环氧化酶抑制剂Asp和β-内啡肽 受体拮抗 Nal可以调理 腹腔感染大鼠 TPN时的蛋白质代谢,减少蛋白质丢失。

  • Objective : To apply total parenteral nutrition ( TPN ) in rescuing the critical premature .

    目的:应用全胃肠道外营养( TPN)抢救危重早产儿。

  • Objective : To analyze the usage of the medicine of TPN in the neonatal surgery in our hospital in order to provide some references for rational use in the clinic .

    目的:对我院新生儿外科 静脉 营养 处方中药物使用情况进行分析,为临床合理应用提供参考。

  • Objectives To determine the influence of total parenteral nutrition ( TPN ) and partial parenteral nutrition ( PPN ) on gut hormones in preterm infant .

    目的探讨完全禁食与部分肠道内喂养对 胃肠激素分泌的影响。

  • To observe the effects of growth hormone and somatostatin on wound healing during total parenteral nutrition ( TPN ) .

    了解在全肠外营养( TPN)条件下,生长激素、生长抑素对组织愈合的确切作用。

  • Conclusion Vitamins A E C with TPN may effectively ameliorate the oxidative injuries in peritoneal sepsis .

    结论 TPN 添加维生素A、E、C能改善腹腔感染 机体的抗氧化能力,减轻脂质过氧化损伤。

  • Results : TPN is a very helpful method in the clinical nursing but misusing of TPN could be very harmful to the patient .

    结果: 完全 胃肠 营养治疗不当可给患者带来不必要的损害,甚至危及患者生命,产生原因主要来自操作技术及护理不当。

  • Effect of arginine enriched TPN and standard TPN on the bacterial translocation

    精氨酸增强 TPN与常规TPN对大鼠肠道细菌易位影响的比较研究

  • Conclusions : The use of SAMet is helpful to could prevent TPN induced cholestasis in infected rats .

    结论:在感染大鼠实施 TPN时给予SAMet可有效预防 TPN胆汁淤积的发生,为临床上在不停止 TPN的情况下预防淤胆的发生提供了一种新的措施。

  • Objective : To study the effect of parenteral and enteral nutrition ( PN + EN ) on immune function in critically ill patients .

    目的:探讨肠外+肠内营养( PN+EN 与全肠外营养 TPN支持,对危重症病人免疫功能的影响。

  • Methods 40 patients were divided into two groups including glutamine-supplemented TPN group and standard TPN group .

    方法将40例大肠癌患者随机分为Gln-TPN组和常规 TPN组。

  • OBJECTIVE : To avoid the infection induced by the clinical application of total parenteral nutrition solution ( TPN ) .

    目的:尽量避免临床使用全胃肠外营养( TPN)液导致的感染。