



  • In some ways the immune system may be compared to a totalitarian state .

    在某些方面,可以把免疫系统比作一个 集权国家。

  • This is one of the best books to read on the nature of totalitarian regimes not because it 's fiction but because it has a ring of truth .

    这是关于 极权政体本质最好的小说之一,不是因为这是一部虚构的作品,而是因为它是真理之环。

  • In totalitarian societies art exists for didactic purposes .


  • To be a film director who can bring bliss and civilization to this world democratic and free thoughts to China-my suffering bureaucratic and totalitarian motherland by his films this is my dream .

    成为一个能够将美好与文明带给世界的电影导演,并且还能将普世的人文 主义思想带给中国&我那充满苦难的 祖国,就是我的梦想。

  • In this novel Nabokov makes an effective enquiry into the psychological mechanism embedded in a totalitarian society .

    在这部小说中,纳博科夫对 群氓社会的心理运行机制进行了卓有成效的探索。

  • IN THE middle of the20th century Europe 's two totalitarian empires Nazi Germany and Stalin 's Soviet Union killed14m non-combatants in peacetime and in war .

    在20世纪中期,欧洲大陆的两大 集权帝国,纳粹德国和斯大林治下的苏联,在和平时期和战争时期杀死了1400万非战斗人员。

  • The principle of hierarchy does not equate to totalitarian terror .

    等级制度在原则上并不等同于 极权 主义恐怖。

  • Let us keep in our thoughts those who still live under totalitarian regimes and let us honor their courage to hold fast to the promise of a better future .

    让我们继续关心那些依然生活在 专制政权下的人们,让我们赞赏他们坚持实现更美好的未来的勇气。

  • Although totalitarian control should be abolished effective public services in the planned economy should be appropriately preserved to carve a third way .

    计划经济时代 政府 极端 全能管制型 一面应该被抛弃,但其有效的公共服务 一面则应适当继承,用来建立一种“第三条道路”。

  • The governance model of totalitarian government has brought a series of problems .

    政府 全能 主义的治理模式带来了一系列问题。

  • The ultimate purpose of Derrida 's deconstruction of western traditional culture is to deconstruct ' all social hierarchies and totalitarian rules ' .

    德里达对西方传统文化的解构,主要目的是解构一切社会等级制和 暴戾统治。

  • Deepen the government reform : to promote the government from the totalitarian government of public service to change ; advance Administrative Innovation . 3 .

    深化政府体制改革: 着力于政府职能转变;推进政府管理体制创新。

  • Rupert Murdoch upset China in 1993 when he asserted that advances in the technology of telecommunications have proved an unambiguous threat to totalitarian regimes everywhere but that view is now accepted wisdom .

    1993年,鲁珀特默多克(RupertMurdoch)宣称:电信科技的进步被证明是对 所有 威权政权的明确威胁,这番言论激怒了中国,但如今看来,这一观点已成为一条真理。

  • The nation states of Eastern Europe finally sloughed off their totalitarian regimes .

    东欧民族国家最终抛弃了 极权统治。

  • This reluctance to move towards a democratic state is typical of totalitarian regimes

    不愿朝民主制国家迈进是 极权 主义政权的 特性

  • On the one hand America considers North Korea a typical totalitarian and autocratic government and put it on the black list as one of the key targets for peaceful evolution .

    一方面,美国视朝鲜为 专制 国家的典型,认定朝鲜为一个失败国家,将其列为和平演变的重点对象之一。

  • He would lose two powerful related tools of totalitarian control : the claim to be holding the line against an outside world bent on war and destruction ;

    他将失去两 相关而有力的 集权 统治工具:一个是控制物价的 承诺,它已经屈服于战争和毁灭;

  • In the Warring States Period the activities of the legal changes of the vassal states had established the dominant order of totalitarian autocracy .

    战国时期,各诸侯国的变法活动确立了 集权专制的统治秩序。

  • In fact their formation was not so simple . Under their status of totalitarian art they also contained vivid and complex qualities .

    事实上,其生成并非如此简单,其 权力艺术的身份之下也蕴含着生动而复杂的内质。

  • Advances in the technology of telecommunications have proved an unambiguous threat to totalitarian regimes everywhere Mr Murdoch said then – the same year he purchased a majority stake in Star TV in Hong Kong .

    事实证明,电讯技术的进步对 所有 威权政府都是一种明确威胁,当时默多克如是说&同年,他收购了香港星空传媒(StarTV)的多数股权。

  • When you are a totalitarian state however this makes it risky to host them .

    但对一个 威权国家来说,这意味着主办 体育比赛带有风险。

  • Then to elaborate from a totalitarian political organization and mobilization of the body the body politics in the revolutionary atmosphere and the daily forms of body discipline in the collective society .

    并从 全能 主义政治中的身体组织与动员、革命氛围中的身体政治学、集体社会中身体规训的日常形态等方面加以阐述。

  • Popper believes that Historicism compactly related to the Theory of Monism Truth thus it may transform into a totalitarian theory .

    历史规律说与一元论真理观的密切相关,并可能因此而演变成一种 专制 主义的理论。

  • You want more money for healthcare : they tell you impossible this means a totalitarian state .

    你想要有多点钱在医疗保健里,他们告诉你这不可能,这意味著 集权 主义国家。

  • At the same time to prevent service-oriented government contents of alienation and the building of service-oriented return to the totalitarian we need to build a comprehensive set of related systems as support .

    同时,要防止服务型政府内容的异化或 变味,防止服务型建设再次回到 全能 主义 窠臼 之中,就需要建设一整套完善的相关制度作为支撑。

  • It is hard to imagine any but the most totalitarian state doing much about that .

    很难想象即便是最 集权 主义的国家能在这方面采取什么措施。

  • Even in a totalitarian state people seek some dignity .

    即便是在 集权国家,人们也想保留一些尊严。

  • Totalitarian politics and free economy

    集权政治与自由经济 & 拉美 国家政治发展与经济 政策 变化

  • China 's Research on Latin-American International Relations Facing the 21 ~ ( st ) Century TOTALITARIAN POLITICS AND FREE ECONOMY

    面向21世纪的中国拉美国际关系研究 集权政治与自由经济 & 拉美 国家政治发展与经济 政策 变化