


  • If you are using a touch screen on your device controls should be large enough to be touchable by fingers .

    如果设备上有触摸屏,上面的控件必须要足够大,可以让手指轻松无误地 触及

  • Using Simens touchable interface display operation operator can control temperature airflow volume air pressure pump speed and de-blocker frequency .

    西门子 人机界面液晶 触摸屏控制,可控制进出口温度、气流、空气压力、自动疏通阻塞频率和流量等。

  • This paper introduces rebuilding electric control system of portal crane drived by DC and the application of digital DC speed controller PLC and touchable industrial graphic monitoring system .

    简要介绍直流驱动的门机电控系统改造,包括数字式直流调速器、PLC和 触摸 工业图形监控系统的应用。

  • As a target domain the heart is viewed as something touchable with different properties ; various properties humans animals and other objects possess have been projected onto heart .

    而作为目的域,心被看作是具有不同特性的某种 的东西,人、动物、物体所拥有的不同特性被投射到心上。

  • Touchable panels are one of the most basic user interaction devices for embedded devices & keypads sensors and roller wheels also are included in many different devices for various purposes .


  • According to the stream-of-life theory as seen in the family system immortality is almost visible and touchable .

    以家族制度中的生命之流的原理而言,永生差不多是看得见的, 得到的。

  • New touchable arc starting technique has been developed and used in the system .

    采用了新型的 接触引弧技术。

  • Currently available vernier depth gauges are simple in measuring function especially in measuring precisely the no touchable directly depth of the measuring datum plane .

    现有游标深度尺的功能单一,对测量基准面 无法直接 触碰的深度 尺寸 难以精确测量。

  • I wish to explore multi-dimensional space by the sculpture which is visual space and touchable art image so that it can break through the form of the photographic vision and static state .

    借用雕塑的空间可视、 的艺术形象,从而突破摄影视觉的、静态的形式,向多维的时空 心态方面探索。

  • In the binary classification of the verb the literal class of verb is usually found to be visible touchable and concrete . On the contrary the metaphor class is abstract concept which is more difficult to understand .

    在动词的二值分类中,动词的字面类一般是一些看得见、 的、具体的 物质;相反,词语的隐喻类大多是比较难以理解的、抽象的概念和定义。

  • And currently the touchable mobile phone launched by some well know brand such like SUMSUN BLACKBERRY and so on the capacitive screens are already standard layout .

    现在一些大品牌推出的平板,例如三星,黑莓等,电容屏都已经是 标配

  • An Improved Approach of Grounding Grid Corrosion Diagnosis by Adding Touchable Nodes

    一种补充 节点的接地网腐蚀故障诊断改进方法

  • Grounding Grids Corrosion Diagnosis with Touchable Nodes Deviation

    节点 位置偏移 条件下接地网故障诊断的研究

  • The iron Chinese characters on the surface of the bridges transform the nonmaterial culture to some real visible and touchable materials .

    型桥表面的铸铁文字,将古代 文人在惠州 留下的非物质的文化 财富 有机地转化为真实、可视、 的物质形态。

  • This kind of project employs the fluid drive entirely and the touchable drive system that smoothes the way for the structural design .

    机型采用全液压传动, 简化传动系统, 缩短传动路线,便于结构设计;

  • Touchable multifunction electronic organ


  • In view of the multimodal channels research the visual interaction touchable user interface gesture recognition speech recognition and augmented reality technology .

    同时针对不同的感觉通道,对视觉交互、 触摸的用户界面、手势识别、语音识别和增强现实技术与 自然 交互 行为 匹配 关系进行 全面的分析。

  • It is his conclusion of commercial spirits in my opinion and he must realize the invisible but touchable strong power and it is the very power that can reflect the fair aspect of society .

    我想这是他对商业精神的一次总结,他一定 真切地体会到了那种看不见、但能 感受到的强大的力量,正是这个力量会最终体现出社会公平的一面。