


  • Such diseases as diphtheria syphilis tuberculosis and typhoid often involve the trachea .

    诸如白喉、梅毒、结核病和伤寒等疾病往往都与 气管有关。

  • The left and right bronchi branch off from the trachea and carry oxygen further into the lungs .

    左、右支气管是从 气管分支出来,它使氧气更加深入的到肺里。

  • The researchers used the same device to make epithelial cells to construct the lining of the trachea .

    研究人员使用同样的设备利用上皮细胞来构建 气管衬里。

  • A tracheotomy performed in order to insert a catheter or tube into the trachea especially to facilitate breathing .

    为了将一导管或管道插入气管而施行的 气管切开术,尤指为了促进呼吸。

  • The bioengineered trachea immediately provided the patient with a normally functioning airway thereby saving her life .

    该生物工程 气管立即为该患者提供了正常功能的气道,从而挽救了她的生命。

  • The trachea in some patients is difficult or impossible to intubate under any circumstances .

    有的病人的 气管在任何情况下都是很难、或根本不可能插管的。

  • Objective To improve recognition of clinical security and success rate and choose correctly indication way to foreign body removal from the trachea under general anesthesia .

    目的提高全麻下取 气管异物安全性和成功率的再认识,正确选择其适应证和方法。

  • Chest CT and fiberoptic bronchoscopy revealed multiple tumors in the lower trachea .

    胸部计算机断层扫描及软式支气管镜检发 现在 气管有多姿性肿瘤。

  • Also didn 't find any trace fibers in the trachea or mouth .

    而且, 气管和嘴部没发现任何纤维的痕迹。

  • Tracheitis : Inflammation and infection of the trachea .

    气管炎: 气管的炎症和感染。

  • Whether patients with trachea or bronchus foreign bodies should be carried on a routine CT inspection still deserves discussion .


  • Relating to or resembling or functioning like a trachea .

    关于、类似于或有 气管似作用的。

  • The surgical procedure following stent removal aimed to stabilize the membranous wall of the intrathoracic trachea and mainstream bronchi .

    移除支架之后所进行的手术操作的目的是稳定胸内 气管和主支气管的膜壁。

  • Don 't you know an esophagus from a trachea ?

    你知道食道和 气管吗?

  • Objective : To analysis the causes of trachea hemorrhage after tracheotomy and to propose some nursing countermeasures .

    目的:分析气管切开术后 气道出血原因,提出相应护理对策。

  • A whistling sound when breathing ( usually heard on inspiration ); indicates obstruction of the trachea or larynx .

    呼吸时听到的一种似汽笛声:显示 气管或喉道阻塞。

  • Removal of BaP from the trachea was prevented by fixing the implanted pellet within the wall of the airway .

    把灌入的药丸固定在气管壁中,能防止bap从 气管中被清除出去。

  • Objective : To study application of sternocleidomastoid myoperiosteal flap to reconstruction of the defect of cervical trachea .

    目的:探讨利用胸锁乳突肌肌骨膜瓣修复颈 气管缺损的方法。

  • Objective To review the experience in surgical treatment for tumors of trachea carina and main bronchus .

    目的总结 气管、隆凸主支气管肿瘤手术治疗经验,探讨合理的手术方法及治疗措施。

  • Trachea ( or windpipe ): Tube in the throat and upper thoracic cavity through which air passes in respiration .


  • The characteristic of this operation is that a cervical myocutaneous flap was used to link the pharynx and trachea to act as an epiglottis .

    用颈部肌皮瓣连结咽和 气管,同时充当会厌,力求达到能发音、呼吸和无明显呛咳的目的。

  • To grasp the operational methods and essentials of trachea intubatton and vagus nerve separation .

    掌握 气管插管,迷走神经分离的手术方法及操作要领。

  • Making sure the trachea was severed .

    以确保 气管 割断了。

  • The tumors usually arise from the main and lobar bronchi or trachea .

    肿瘤大部分长在 气管,主支气管,或叶支气管中,从肺节支气管长出的病例较为罕见。

  • Brachiocephalic artery Fluff cervical vein cervical trachea in front of the bow was100 % .

    头臂动脉颈 气管前方颈前静脉弓出现率为100%。

  • If acid gets into your trachea it causes asthma like symptoms and hoarseness .

    如果胃酸流进 气管里,会导致哮喘类的症状和嗓子嘶哑。

  • Management of perioperative respiratory problems in patients with tumor of trachea or carina


  • We were able to see this happen in cells lining the trachea and main bronchi .

    我们能够看到这种情况发生在细胞内层 气管和主支气管。