


  • The Porosity and Tortuosity of Frost Layer

    霜层的孔隙率和 弯曲

  • A comprehensive characteristic parameter ( including porosity thickness and tortuosity ) was found more effective to express the influence of membrane structure in gas permeation process .

    提出了一个多孔膜结构综合参数的 概念。用此综合参数来表征多孔膜结构对气体渗透传质性能的影响更合理、更有效和更 直观

  • Air permeability is not only related with the void numbers but also connected with the morphological structure arrangement tortuosity and distribution of the voids .

    气流 流过集合体时不仅与空隙的多少有关,而且与空隙的 形状曲折 程度、排列和 孔径的分布有关。

  • Study on the Tortuosity of Chinese Modernization

    中国现代化 曲折 研究

  • Taking into account temperature effect and sediment tortuosity effect using Fick 's first law can more accurately estimate diffusive flux of inorganic nitrogen across the sediment-water interface than previous reports .

    利用Fick's第一定律,在综合考虑温度效应和沉积物颗粒 弯曲效应的基础上,对沉积物-水界面间的营养盐氮的扩散通量进行了更为精确的估算。

  • Furthermore cell performance was investigated in terms of different structure parameters of porous electrode ( porosity tortuosity and pore size ) all of which have a significant effect on it .

    进一步研究表明多孔电极结构参数(孔隙率、 曲折 因子与孔径尺寸)对电池性能有十分重要的影响。

  • The tortuosity of the socialist progress and the historical fate of it

    社会主义进程的 曲折 及其历史命运

  • The mechanism of this technique can be summarized as the joint changes of hole trajectory deviation to make the hole axial line be tortuosity .

    这种技术的机理可概括为井眼轨迹井斜和 方位的联合变化,造成井眼轴线具有空间 挠曲 弯曲特性。 弯曲主要 体现狗腿 挠曲体现为井眼的扭转。

  • The tortuosity factor of two irregular shape pellets were measured using dynamic state method-single pellet string reactor method ( SPSRM ) .

    采用色谱法,在单颗粒线反应器中对两种异形多通孔催化剂的 曲折因子进行了测定。

  • Solution of Hydraulic Tortuosity Factor in Porous Media and Its Application

    多孔介质中水力学 迂曲 因子的求 及应用

  • The results obtained for different gas systems quite close each other the tortuosity of the catalyst is about 2.3 .

    不同气体体系所得的结果彼此十分接近,该催化剂的 弯曲 因子大约为2.3。

  • The prediction precision on gas diffusion could be remarkably improved if the calculation precision of the molecular diffusion coefficient porosity and tortuosity is improved .

    改善分子扩散系数、孔隙度和 曲折 的精度可以有效提高气体扩散的预测精度。

  • In the process of transfer employment the social mobility of rural youth is characterized by : the tortuosity of mobile process ; the certainty of mobile results ; the subjectivity of mobile evaluation .

    乡青年转移就业过程所呈现的社会流动特征有:流动过程的 曲折 、流动结果的确定性和流动评价的主观性。

  • Simple stenosis was found in 11 cases stenosis associated with occlusion of internal carotid system in 8 cases stenosis complicated with arterial tortuosity in 4 cases stenosis associated with tortuosity and occlusion of the siphon section in 1 case .

    其中单纯狭窄11例,狭窄合并颈内动脉系统闭塞者8例,狭窄合并动脉 扭曲4例,狭窄合并扭曲及颈内动脉虹吸段闭塞1例。

  • TPB length porosity and tortuosity factor of pores are calculated during kMC sintering . And the effects of particle size and its distribution and sintering temperature are studied .

    在模拟烧结的过程中计算了三相线长度,孔隙率和气孔 曲折因子的演变,并系统研究了粒子尺寸,粒径分布和烧结温度的影响。

  • The advection part is simulated by moisture transport in rough cracks modeled as a flux based on Poiseuille law considering crack width crack surface roughness tortuosity and capillary pores at crack surface .

    对其中的水分对流部分,分别考虑了裂缝的宽度、表面粗糙度、表面 迂曲 和毛细孔等参数,根据流体力学Poiseuille方程建立了在其传输模型。

  • The fracton dimension is related to the tortuosity of pore structure .

    谱分维与孔隙结构的 扭曲 具相关特性。

  • Objective : Varicose vein is a collective term which describes the distension lengthening and tortuosity of veins .

    前言:目的:了解睾丸静脉和 卵巢静脉的 变异

  • When contrast-enhanced CT depicts hypervascularity of the mesentery with vascular dilatation tortuosity and wide spacing of the vasa recta the comb sign is produced .

    当增强CT显示血管扩张、 迂曲而血管增多的肠系膜和广泛分布的直小血管,产生梳征。

  • Reviewing briefly the rise and decline of the flammable element theory this article throws tight on the relativity and tortuosity of human 's knowledge .

    本文通过对燃素说兴衰 的简单回顾,说明了人类认识的相对性和 曲折性,以及 如何 正确 对待 科学 遗产

  • The first recognizable abnormality is increased tortuosity and thickening of the arteries which may compress the underlying veins .

    首先见到的改变是动脉 弯曲 的增加和管壁的增厚,它可压迫其下面的静脉。

  • We can understand socialism more comprehensively more profoundly and more confidently by discussing the objective law inevitability tortuosity and protraction of socialism .

    探讨了社会主义发展的客观规律必然性、 曲折 以及长期性,从而使我们对社会主义的认识更加全面更加深刻,进一步坚定了社会主义的 信念

  • The new criteria included the false aneurysm the mural thrombus and the tortuosity of the intimal flap . 4 .

    新制定的分型标准为 是否有假性动脉瘤形成、 是否有附壁血栓形成及 是否有内膜片的 扭曲

  • By decreasing the tortuosity factor and the particle density the effectiveness factors diminished significantly ;


  • The key points to maintain high success rate and low complication are to adhere to the interventional learning curve and to exclude severe calcification significant tortuosity and / or diffuse long lesion .

    保持高成功率和低并发症发生率的关键,一是遵循学习曲线规律,二是排除重度钙化、高度 弯曲和过长的病变。

  • A method of determining the tortuosity factor of the catalyst particles for synthesis of ammonia

    氨合成催化剂颗粒 曲折率的一种测定方法

  • It is suggested that the long-term polymer drive has resulted in enlarging some small pore throats improving the communication among pores and reducing pore tortuosity in the reservoirs .

    通过分析认为,储层经过长期注入聚合物后,使一部分小喉道 大,孔隙之间的畅通 进一步 ,孔隙 迂曲 程度减小。

  • The design and implementation were investigated of application specific integrated circuit ( ASIC ) used in a super tortuosity nomograph liquid crystal display ( STN-LCD ) controller & driver .


  • The presence of aggregates in cement-based materials might modify the pore structure of hardened cement paste and its dilution effect and tortuosity effect could reduce chloride transport properties .

    骨料改变了水泥基复合材料中浆体的孔结构,其稀释效应和 曲折效应降低了氯离子的传输性能;

  • The pore structure features small pore throat radius and low height-wide ratio and much fractal dimension big capillary tortuosity and high pore-throat radius ratio .

    孔隙结构特征表现为孔喉半径及其高宽比小,分形维数、毛细管 弯曲 和孔-喉径比大。