topological sorting

[计] 拓扑排序,拓扑分类

  • Although the result of a topological sorting is not unique but the priority of the parent node is always higher than the priority of child nodes . Finally this paper summarizes the research work and points out the further study .

    虽然 拓扑 排序的结果并不唯一,但父结点的优先权始终高于子结点的优先权。本文最后对研究工作进行了总结,指出了今后需进一步深入研究的问题。

  • Topological sorting is another operation that can be modeled with graphs .

    拓扑 排序是可以用图模拟的另一种操作。

  • A Distributed Algorithm for Topological Sorting

    拓扑 排序的分布式算法

  • With the feedback of fusion graph in consideration the requirements and characteristics of topological sorting for parallel prediction were analyzed and an algorithm with comparatively small computational and storage complexities was proposed for the topological sort of fusion graphs .

    结合融合图的反馈性,深入分析了并行性预测 拓扑 排序的要求和性质,提出了一种针对融合图进行并行性预测拓扑排序的实现算法,此算法的计算和存储复杂度都比较小。

  • Algorithm for logit network loading problem based on topological sorting

    基于 拓扑 处理的Logit型网络加载算法

  • Based on the characteristics of weighted DAG the paper proposed an algorithm to solve the shortest path problems in the weighted DAG using topological sorting .

    针对DAG的特点,以 拓扑 排序为基础,提出了解决DAG的最短路径问题的简单算法。

  • How is the acquisition of Chinese characters by learners from the non Chinese character cultural sphere affected by stroke numbers component numbers and topological structural patterns On Stroke Sorting & and Anticlockwise Sorting of Mix-Structured Chinese Characters

    笔画数、部件数和 拓扑结构类型对非汉字文化圈学习者汉字掌握的影响

  • Moreover another algorithm for testing conflicting routing policies based on topological sorting and counter-topological sorting method is introduced .

    此外,本文还结合图论相关知识,利用 拓扑 排序和逆拓扑排序的方法对路由策略冲突检测问题进行研究,并提出了基于 拓扑 排序的路由策略冲突检测算法。

  • Routing Policy Conflicts Detecting Based on AOV Topological Sorting

    基于AOV 拓扑 排序的路由策略冲突检测

  • Application of Topological Sorting Algorithm in Educational Administration System

    拓扑 排序算法在教务管理系统中的应用

  • The topological sorting algorithm works on unconnected graphs as well as connected graphs .

    拓扑 排序算法既可以用于连通图,也可以用于非连通图。

  • On Group Topological Sorting Algorithm and Realization of Directed Graph

    有向图的分组 拓朴 排序算法及实现

  • A Topological Sorting in Partial Order Set

    偏序集上的一种 拓扑 排序

  • On this basis presents a solution based on genetic algorithms reducing the computation of repair individual illegal operation in genetic process speeding up the convergence speed using the topological sorting in network plan .

    在此基础上给出一种基于遗传算法的求解方法,在算法中有效地利用了网络计划图的 拓扑 排序,减少了遗传操作过程中非法个体的修复计算量,加快了算法的收敛速度。