write in for

[raɪt ɪn fɔr][rait in fɔ:]


  • He could write it down in a letter for her to read and keep forever .

    他将 这份爱写 信中 以便她阅读并永久保存。

  • The teacher said there are special circumstances at home parents write notes to stay in school for lunch .

    老师说,在家里也有特殊的情况下,家长 条子 留在学校 午饭。

  • He made such raped progress that before long he began to write articles in English for an American newspaper .

    他提高如此之快,以致于不久就开端 英语 一家美国报纸 撰稿了。

  • One such solution is to write a custom handler in Python for HTTP GET messages .

    其中一种解决方案是 Python HTTPGET消息 一个定制处理程序。

  • After careful consideration I feel it helpful to write the passage in English for I 'm your English teacher .

    作为你们的英语老师,我 仔细考虑后决定用英语 这篇文章。

  • How to Write in Chinese and English the Abstracts for A Journal Thesis Correctly To Editor : Expectations and Suggestions

    如何 写好学报论文的摘要教师对办好学报的期望与建议

  • Writing in English is becoming increasingly important throughout the world for more and more people need to write in English for occupational or educational purposes .

    英语写作变得越来越重要了。 由于工作或学习需要,越来越多的人用英语 写作

  • I 'll write in for more information .

    我要 写信 索取更详细的材料。

  • This year I am afraid I am somewhat at a loss about what to write in this viewpoint article for the lunar new year .

    农历新年将至,应该 点甚么应节?今年我真有点茫无头绪。

  • I will try my best to write some words in English here for practise my English .

    我每天都会尽力去 些英文,来锻炼自己的英语能力。

  • Rim took a nearly $ 500 million write down in December for unsold inventory and then earlier this month discontinued the cheapest version of the tablet .

    去年12月,RIM Playbook存货进行了高达5亿美元的 账面 记,而本月早些时候,RIM又宣布不再生产价格最便宜的入门版Playbook。

  • The characteristics to write English information components in the paper for Chinese Sci Tech periodicals are analyzed in view of the writing problems .

    针对科技论文英文信息部分写作中容易出现的问题,分析了科技期刊论文英文信息部分的构成和 写作特点。

  • Next you write just enough code in order for the unit test to pass .

    接下来,您 编写能够通过这个单元测试的程序代码;

  • Europe too will have to start to address the problem by forcing banks to write down their assets in exchange for new capital .

    欧洲也必须开始着手解决这一问题,做法是强迫银行 资产, 换取新的资本。

  • Given the importance of English as an international language more and more people need to learn to write in English for occupational or academic purposes .

    英语作为国际语言,其重要性日益显著,越来越多的人 为了工作或学习的需要学习英语 写作

  • Write in recollection and amazement for yourself .

    自己 写作自己回忆, 自己惊奇。

  • I have to point out my mistake that I am making : I have not write in English for a few days !

    我不得不指出自己的问题了:我已经有好几天没 英语 书写了,全是 因为自己的懒惰!

  • On How to Write in English the abstract Part for a Journal of Natural Science

    谈如何 学报英文摘要部分

  • Let me write down my address in Hong Kong for you .

    香港地址我现在 写给你吧。

  • So don 't delay write in now for your chance of a free gift .

    所以不要再等了,现在 我们 写信,您将有机会得到一份免费礼物。

  • Optical Write - in for the Plasma Display Panel

    等离子显示板的光 写入

  • Love Mary I will write the above in Chinese while waiting for your replies .

    玛丽,可爱的老太太, 等待你答复的期间,我将上面的 回帖翻译成中文;

  • He generously agreed to write off the debt in return for certain services .

    他慷慨地同意 取消这笔债款, 某些服务工作作为交换条件。

  • It allows you to write database applications using a standard API that is common to all ODBC Drivers so that you don 't need to write your application in a specific way for a specific database .

    它允许您使用对所有ODBC驱动程序通用的标准API编写数据库应用程序,使您无需使用特定 具体数据库的方式 编写应用程序。

  • InfoQ : As you write in your book Measuring return for IT solutions is notoriously difficult and measuring ROI for SOA is even more complex .

    InfoQ:正如你 书中所 的,“度量IT解决方案的回报是极其困难的”,那么计算SOA的投资回报(ROI)更加复杂。

  • Would you write it in Chinese for me so I can show a taxi driver ?

    你能 它的中文 名字 下来吗?这 交可以拿给出租车司机看。

  • You must have write privileges in the registry for this devicein order to modify the device 's advanced settings .

    您必须 该设备的注册表 写入权限才能修改设备的高级设置。

  • He made such rapid progress that before long he began to write articles in English for an American newspaper . They hope they 'll soon see better days .

    他进步很快,不久就开始 英文 一家美国报纸 撰稿。他们希望不久后就会有好日子过(他们希望很快就会时来运转)。

  • He made such rapid progress that before long he began to write articles in English for an American newspaper .

    (报纸上的)文娱节目预告他进步很快,不久就开始 英文 一家美国报纸 撰稿