


  • The antagonists of ERR α - 1 orphan receptor : toxaphene

    毒杀 对孤儿受体 雌激素 相关受体1(ERRα-1)的拮抗作用

  • The Research on Detection Method of Toxaphene Residue in Soil and Water

    土壤和水体 中毒 残留检测方法研究

  • Toxaphene is one of the POPs with complex composition special properties and widely distributing in the environment .

    毒杀 成分复杂,性质特殊,目前已经广泛滞留于环境中。

  • Toxaphene an organic chloride insecticide possesses a long residual period .

    毒杀 为有机氯杀虫剂的一种,残效期长。

  • Detection of Toxaphene in Soil by Accelerated Solvent Extraction / GC-NCI MS

    加速溶剂萃取/气相色谱-负化学电离质谱法对土壤中毒 的测定研究

  • Conclusion Toxaphene is the antagonist of ERR α 1 . It antagonize the regulation of aromatase activity and decrease the expression of aromatase .

    结论 毒杀 是ERRα1的拮抗剂,它拮抗了ERRα1调节芳香族化酶转录的作用,从而使该酶的表达量降低。

  • Toxaphene inhibited DNA synthesis in mice of the 25mg / kg ( 1 / 4 LD 50 ) group . These results have illustrated the potential mutagenicity of toxaphene .

    DNA合成抑制 试验毒杀 25mg/Kg(1/4LD(50))剂量对小鼠DNA合成有明显抑制作用,从上述三种诱变试验结果来看作者认为毒杀芬具有潜在性的诱变作用。