


  • The type 19F and 23F pneumococcal polysaccharide ( C-PS ) were covalently bound to tetanus toxoid ( TT ) separately to form conjugates .

    用肺炎链球菌19F型、23F型的荚膜多糖(CPS)分别和破伤风 类毒素(TT)蛋白结合,制备了两个型别的多糖蛋白结合物(19FTT,23FTT)。

  • Tetanus is a severe spastic disease caused by tetanus toxin which can be prevented by immunization with tetanus toxoid .

    破伤风是由破伤风毒素引起的一种严重的痉挛性疾病,有效的预防方法是接种破伤风 类毒素 疫苗

  • Comparison of Immunogenicity of Tetanus Toxoid Prepared with Different Medium

    不同培养基制备 精制破伤风 类毒素免疫原性比较

  • Studies on the Toxoid Vaccine and Antitoxic Serum of Clostridium Welchii Type A

    A型魏氏梭菌 类毒素疫苗与抗毒素血清的研究

  • Cloning and expression of a hemolysin gene of Aeromonas hydrophila and the immunogenicity of the toxoid

    嗜水气单胞菌溶血素基因的克隆表达及其 类毒素的免疫原性分析

  • An Epidemiological Surveillance on the Tetanus Toxoid ( TT ) Inoculation of Women at Childbearing Age and Neonatal Tetanus ( NNT ) Cases in Hainan Province

    海南省育龄期妇女破伤风 类毒素接种与新生儿破伤风病例监测的流行病学效果

  • In contrast the proliferative responses of PBMCs to phytohemagglutinin and tetanus toxoid were not inhibited by ketotifen .

    KF对植物血凝素(PHA)和破伤风 类毒素(TT)诱导的PBMCs增殖反应无抑制作用。

  • These facts suggested that revaccination for diphtheria toxoid in adults should be con-sidered .

    上述事实提示应当考虑成人的白喉 类毒素的再接种问题。

  • Decreased in vitro cellular response to tetanus toxoid and tuberculin in patients using topical corticosteroids

    局部外用皮质激素患者的细胞在体外对破伤风 类毒素和结核菌素的反应性降低

  • Studies on the stability of protein in tetanus toxoid encapsulated in polylactide microspheres

    破伤风 类毒素聚乳酸微球中蛋白质稳定性的研究

  • Adsorbed purified diphtheria toxoid

    吸附精制白喉 类毒素

  • Preparation of ELISA Kit of Detection for Tetanus IgG tetanus toxoid two doses


  • The immunologic effect of paraoxon - tetanus toxoid on rabbits

    对氧磷-破伤风 类毒素家兔免疫效果

  • Adsorbed purified tetanus toxoid

    吸附精制破伤风 类毒素

  • A booster does of tetanus toxoid and penicillin should be administered .

    给予破伤风 类毒素加强剂与青霉素。

  • Observation on Immune Effect of Tetanus Toxoid in 228 Women of Childbearing Age

    228名育龄期妇女破伤风 类毒素免疫效果观察

  • Methods Prepare the kit by colloidal gold immunodotting and detect the tetanus antibodies in human and guinea pig sera immunized with tetanus toxoid .

    方法应用胶体金免疫斑点法研制破伤风抗体胶体金检测试剂盒,并对破伤风 类毒素免疫的豚鼠及人血清的破伤风抗体水平进行测定。

  • Effect of tetanus toxoid powder needleless injection on the concentration of serum antibody IgG in mice

    无针粉末注射破伤风 类毒素对小鼠血清IgG抗体的影响

  • The Fermentation Technology Study on Clostridium Perfringens Exotoxin and the Study of the Toxoid Oil Emulsion Vaccine

    产气荚膜梭菌外毒素生产发酵工艺及其 类毒素油乳剂疫苗的研究

  • Guinea pigs were immunized with Tetanus toxoid prepared with different medium .

    用不同培养基制备的 精制破伤风 类毒素,加入 完全佐剂免疫豚鼠, 血清中抗体效价。

  • AIM To evaluate the immunogenicity of tetanus toxoid ( TT ) encapsulated in biodegradable polymer microspheres composed of polylactide ( PLA ) .

    目的研究破伤风 类毒素聚乳酸微球在 动物体内的免疫效果及影响因素。

  • Stx toxoid vaccines have shown protective effects in rabbits and pigs .

    其中Stx 类毒素疫苗肠外注射免疫在兔子和猪中已经显示具有保护效果;

  • Conclusions The results indicate that application of Stainer medium and TFF system can obtain purified diphtheria toxoid which meets the Requirements for Biologics of China .

    结论应用Stainer培养基与TFF系统可获得符合我国现行规程要求的精制白喉 类毒素

  • D B vaccinetetanus toxoid

    伤寒副伤寒甲乙 破伤风疫苗

  • I want 0 . 5 cc . of tetanus toxoid .

    我需要0.5毫升破伤风 类毒素

  • Study on Characteristics of Polymeric Tetanus Toxoid

    聚合破伤风 类毒素 抗原特性的研究

  • This article presents the results of standardization of adsorbed purified tetanus toxoid by 3 potency test methods .

    本文提供了用三种效力试验方法检定吸附精制破伤风 类毒素的结果。

  • Nonspecific and specific phagocytic activities of macrophages with heterogeneous fluorescent staining were observed using starch polysaccharide and immune activators ( diphtheria toxoid and BCG ) to induce and activate mouse peritoneal macrophages .

    利用淀粉多糖和免疫促进剂(白喉 类毒素和卡介苗)诱导和活化小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞,观察了四种异质性荧光染色的巨噬细胞非特异性和特异性吞噬活性。

  • Study on McAb to Tetanus Toxoid

    抗破伤风 类毒素单克隆抗体的研究