


  • Generalized : a response to a systemic infection such as tuberculosis syphilis infectious mononucleosis hepatitis fungal infection toxoplasmosis HIV etc.

    全身:对系统性感染的反应像结核菌病、梅毒、传染性单核细胞增多症、肝炎、霉菌感染、 弓形虫病、HIV等。

  • Congenital toxoplasmosis is a special form in which an unborn child is infected via the placenta .

    先天性 弓形虫病通过胎盘感染给胎儿的。

  • Epidemiologic Survey of Toxoplasmosis and Primary Study on Sulfonamides-Resistance of T. Gondii in Pig Farms in Hubei Province

    湖北省规模化猪场 弓形虫病流行病学调查及 弓形虫磺胺抗药性的初步研究

  • Application of Colloidal Gold Techniques in Diagnosis of Toxoplasmosis

    胶体金技术在 弓形虫病诊断中的应用

  • Toxoplasmosis feline immunodeficiency virus feline leukemia and feline infectious peritonitis are all systemic diseases that can cause eye problems that may be treated with oral antibiotics .

    弓形 ,猫免疫缺陷病毒,猫白血病和猫传染性腹膜炎都是全身性疾病,可导致眼睛可能与口服抗生素治疗的问题。

  • Bilateral cervical adenopathy is also prominent in tuberculosis coccidioidomycosis infectious mononucleosis toxoplasmosis sarcoid lymphomas and leukemias .

    双侧颈部腺病在结核、球孢子菌病、传染性单核细胞增多症、 弓形虫病、肉样瘤、淋巴瘤和白血病。

  • There 's a parasite known as toxoplasmosis that lives in the bodies of rats .

    有一种叫做 的寄生虫,寄生在老鼠体内。

  • Incidence of toxoplasmosis in 5532 pregnant women in Crete Greece : Management of 185 cases at risk

    希腊克里特岛 5532例孕妇弓形体的 感染率:185例高危孕妇的处理

  • Discoveries by IU School of Medicine scientists have opened a promising door to new drugs for toxoplasmosis and other parasites that now can evade treatments by turning dormant in the body .

    印第安纳大学医学院的科学家们的发现给开发新的药物用于治疗 弓形 等寄生虫打开了一扇希望的大门,这些寄生虫目前在体内能以休眠状态逃避药物打击。

  • Toxoplasmosis also causes eye inflammation .

    弓形 也会导致眼睛发炎。

  • Acute HIV infection can mimic signs similar to those of infectious mononucleosis and tests should be performed for pregnant women for the same reason as toxoplasmosis .

    急性HIV感染也会表现为类似传单的表现,因此与 弓形 相同应该对孕妇进行检查。

  • Aim To explore the clinicopathological features of toxoplasmosis complicating acquired immunodeficiency syndrome ( AIDS ) .

    目的探讨 弓形虫病并发于艾滋病时的临床病理学特征。

  • If you are a rat and you have toxoplasmosis you are perfectly healthy except for one thing .

    如果你是老鼠,你体内有 ,你非常健康,除了一点。

  • Serological survey and study of pig Toxoplasmosis in Yichuan county

    伊川县猪 弓形虫病血清学调查与分析

  • Therapeutic effect of azithromycin combined with IFN - γ on mouse toxoplasmosis

    阿奇霉素和IFN-γ联用治疗小鼠 弓形虫病效果

  • A clinicopathological study of eighteen autopsy cases with acquired toxoplasmosis

    获得性 弓形虫病18例尸检材料的临床病理学研究

  • NEW YORK ( Reuters Health ) - The parasite that causes toxoplasmosis has been linked to schizophrenia and biologists in the UK may have discovered why .

    能引起 弓形虫病的寄生虫已经与精神分裂症产生了联系,并且英国的生物学家可能已经发现了引起精神分裂症的原因。

  • Stress response mechanisms have been well studied in yeast and other organisms but the pathways used by the toxoplasmosis parasite had not been determined .

    应激反应机制在酵母菌和其他生物体上已经研究得 相当透彻,但 弓形 所使用的途径尚不明确。

  • The toxoplasmosis rewires your brain and it makes you less afraid of cats .


  • Now scientists studying the toxoplasmosis parasite think they 've done just that .

    现在研究 形体寄生虫的科学家们觉得这项工作已经完成了。

  • The team also found that the test did not produce false positive results when tested on individuals suffering from tuberculosis toxoplasmosis or brucellosis were examined .

    该研究组还发现这种检测方法在对患有结核病、 弓形 或者布鲁氏菌病的个体进行检测的时候不会出现假阳性。

  • Progress on Immunological and Molecular Biology Techniques for the Diagnosis of Toxoplasmosis

    免疫学与分子生物学技术在 弓形虫病诊断中的研究进展


    环境污染中子剂量计人工感染小白鼠 弓形虫病 感染量测定

  • Methods : The image characteristics of toxoplasmosis encephalitis were retrospectively analysed in17 patients with AIDS .

    方法:回顾分析17例艾滋病 弓形 脑炎的影像学表现。

  • Effects of Integrated Chinese Herbs and Western Medicine on Swine Toxoplasmosis

    中西药结合对猪 弓形虫病的疗效研究

  • Rather it 's because this is a perfectly this is the adaptive strategy of the toxoplasmosis virus .

    相反,这是一个完美的,这是 的适应策略。

  • In the post-AIDS often suffer from a number of rare diseases such as Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia toxoplasmosis atypical mycobacterial and fungal infections .

    在感染艾滋病后往往患有一些罕见的疾病如肺孢子虫肺炎、 弓形 、非典型性分枝杆菌与真菌感染等。

  • Serological Investigation on Toxoplasmosis in Improved Cashmere Goats in Haixi District of Qinghai Province

    青海省海西地区改良绒山羊 弓形虫病血清学调查

  • All these results indicate that the infection of this pig is due to the mixed infection with toxoplasmosis and eperythrozoonsis .

    结论证实该猪场此次发病为猪 弓形 和附红细胞体混合感染。

  • Investigation on needs of health education for toxoplasmosis among pregnant women in Shanghai City

    上海市孕妇 弓形虫病健康教育需求调查