

n.小梁,桁,柱( trabecula的名词复数 )萨列阿横梁

  • Objective : To observe the morphological changes of the bone trabeculae with age in the greater tubercle of the humerus in Chinese .

    目的:观察国人肱骨大结节内骨 变化的年龄特征,为应用肱骨大结节 的变化进行年龄 鉴定提供依据。

  • Trabeculae from the right ventricle of mice were dissected for assessment of changes in excitation-contraction coupling .

    取右心室 束状肌分析其心肌兴奋-收缩耦联的变化。

  • In group B at 8th week fibroplasia could be found and the material was absorbed partly . ; at 12th week new bone formation was found in the juncture of implant and host bone tissue and bone trabeculae and lamellar bone were appeared .

    B组:8周纤维组织增生,材料部分吸收。12周植入区 两端与宿主骨交界处,新骨增生, 可见 和板层骨。

  • And then drilled holes were filled of trabeculae at 4 weeks .

    4周时钻孔区内充满 新生 结构

  • The morphological changes of the bone trabeculae in the greater tubercle of the humerus were observed on the radiographs of each age group .

    结果:根据观察结果,将肱骨大结节内骨 的这些指标的变化分成 5期。

  • Histological observation in each time period in the fibrous connective tissue callus bone trabeculae and class as well as the amount of bone formation of osteoblasts in B group and C group were better than the A group .

    组织学观察在各时间段内,在纤维结缔组织、骨痂、骨 和类骨组织的生成量以及成骨细胞方面B组和C组均好于A组。

  • Weeks after suture distraction signs of intramembranous ossification were found in the edge areas of the distracted suture and the positive staining of BMP and TGF - β was still noted in the osteoblasts around the newly formed bone trabeculae .

    第4周,受力骨缝边缘以膜内成骨方式进行改建,BMP和TGF-β阳性染色主要位于新生骨 梁四周的成 细胞中。

  • The transverse arranged bony trabeculae in the middle plane of the vertebral body had dynamic strengthening effect on both of the cortical bone and the dense cancellous bone and ④ The closet shell of cortical bone can strengthen the harden effect of the porous structure of the cancellous bone .

    椎体中部位于 向心凹陷的皮质骨和轴心致密皮质骨 的横行 对椎体轴向承重具有动力性强化作用;④皮质骨形成的封闭腔室可加强多孔材料的硬化效应。

  • At 8 weeks the induced bone lacked of mature trabeculae arrangement compared to the resident bone .

    8周时新生骨尚缺乏成熟的 管状 结构。

  • An ossified ossification and clear bone trabeculae surrounded with bone cells appeared in fetus age of 35 weeks which were near metaphysis .

    胎龄35周的股骨远端,出现已骨化的骨化中心,位置靠近干骺端,骨 清晰;

  • In the conrol group the bone trabeculae withered and remained necrotic .

    而对照组的股骨头 萎缩变细,骨质坏死;

  • There were a lot of new growth bone formation to creeping replace necrotic bone trabeculae 4 weeks after core decompression and bone grafting and BMP .

    髓芯减压加BMP骨泥治疗组4周 后镜改变为大量新生骨形成,爬行替代坏死的骨 ,且在 新生周围有大量的 新生 血管形成。

  • Furthermore the results of this study show that a loss of bone primarily affects the connectedness and overall number of trabeculae .

    研究结果也显示,骨丢失主要影响到 的连通性和整体数量。

  • Osteoporosis bone mineral composition and characteristics for bone matrix of proportion reduce bone damage of microstructure the bone cortex become thinner and bone trabeculae number and size are reduced .

    骨质疏松症的特点为骨矿成分和骨基质等比例减少,骨显微结构受损,骨皮质变薄,骨 数量及大小均减少。

  • In the mature fetus the connective tissue trabeculae of scleral lamina cribrosa differed from that in the adult .

    足月胎儿巩膜筛板 结缔组织成分与成人差异较大。

  • Morphological changes with age of bone trabeculae in greater tubercle of humerus

    肱骨大结节 变化与年龄的关系

  • The bone in these vertebral bodies demonstrates marked osteoporosis with thinning and loss of bony trabeculae .

    椎骨明显的骨质疏松症,可见 梁薄弱甚至丧失。

  • The results of MTT ALP OCN and areas of newly formed trabeculae of the experimental group and the control group were evaluated with paired t test respectively .

    采用配对t检验,分别对实验组和对照组的MTT、ALP、 OCN和新生 面积进行统计学分析。

  • Pathological changes of the trabeculae in 628 cases of primary angle closure glaucoma and their clinical significance

    628例原发性闭角型青光眼的 病理改变及其临床意义

  • The vertical trabeculae can be preserved during the simulation but the horizontal ones lost more .

    模拟过程中,垂直方向的 得到维持,但水平方向 丢失较为 严重

  • Results : Histologically the tumor was characterized by fibroblast-like cell proliferation with irregular anastomosing bone trabeculae formation resembling fibrous dysplasia or parosteal osteosarcoma .

    结果:低度恶性中心型骨肉瘤组织学上由纤维组织和不规则的相互吻合的肿瘤性骨 混合组成,似纤维结构不良或骨旁骨肉瘤。

  • The bone trabeculae of group Band C became vague and sparse on X-ray films in 16th 26th weed .

    16、26周兔股骨头X线平片 骨质稀疏, 模糊。

  • Conclusion : GE-STIR series has high sensitivity for bone contusion and it can show the tiny marrow edema and tiny fracture of trabeculae . It has high value for the diagnosis of injury of knee joint .

    结论:GESTIR序列对骨挫伤的敏感性较高,能显示微小的骨髓水肿、充血及 的微骨折,对膝关节外伤具有较高价值。

  • Here is a region of fracture with remaining disrupted trabeculae at the left and bottom . The paler pink new bone is forming at the right and top .

    骨折区域的左侧和底部可见残存 破损 ,在右侧和顶部区域 可见淡粉色的新生骨形成。

  • By histological examination it was found that in HAC group there were granulation tissue fibrous tissue and newly formed vessels grew into the pores and the osteoblasts formed osseous trabeculae .


  • The physiological structure of cancellous bone is composed of the trabeculae architecture and the tissue fluid which is full of the porous skeleton .

    在生理结构上,松质骨由 构成的骨架结构和充满于该结构之间的组织液组成。