
[医] 酊,酊剂

  • Next time we 'll delve into tr.

    下一次,我们将深入研究 tr

  • On the base of fine pool description the length of horizontal section and indexes of horizontal well such as hole pattern spatial position well tr.

    在精细油藏描述基础上, 优化 确定了水平井 井方式、水平井段长度、水平井空间位置、井 轨迹完井 方式等指标

  • A primary report : 110 cases of summer dermatitis were treated by Tr. xia shu ling

    夏舒灵 药水治疗夏季皮炎等110例报告

  • Though his thought on morality and ethics founded on the basis of selfless feelings has flaws of this kind or other his ideas of mutual respect tr.

    本文认为,人们对老子的“道”及其“有”“无”三概念之间的 关系 迄今 存在 误解,有 进一步澄清的 必要

  • Secure means for a complete evacuation from the tr.

    tr 进行全面疏散的安全方法。

  • Conclusion : Mitral valve stenosis cardiac dilation and pulmonary hypertension were the significant risk factors and predictors for rheumatic mitral and aortic valve diseases with secondary TR.

    结论:二尖瓣狭窄、心脏增大程度和肺动脉高压是风湿性二尖瓣病变继发 瓣功能性 流的主要相关因素和预测因子

  • Obviously you cannot use this mode together with AR and TR.

    很明显,此模式无法和AR以及 TR模式共存

  • Location of the nozzle and the distance between the nozzle and the top of the bag had little effect on both Pp and tR.

    喷嘴位置和喷嘴与 袋口距离对两者的影响均不大

  • There were 18 amino acids that were different between the porcine and human brains in the amino acid sequences of TR. Their homology was 90 % .

    猪脑 TR氨基酸序列中有18个氨基酸与人脑TR不同,同源性为90%。

  • Methods Experimental group consisted of 150 newborns whose umbilical cord remainders were cut after 24 hours from being born and then nurse used 10 % Tr. Iodine to sterilize umbilicus and cotton balls dipped with 95 % Alcohol and special protective band to bind umbilicus with adding pressure .

    方法实验组150例在新生儿出生24h后对脐带残端进行剪脐处理,并用10% 碘酊消毒,95%酒精棉球及新生儿脐带结扎保护带加压包扎;