


  • As to the effects of incubation conditions on the toxigenicity the toxigenic strains M-10 etc. showed the highest toxigenicity on rice or corn media after two weeks incubation at 20 & 30 ℃ .

    产毒条件 试验结果表明,菌株 M-10等在大米或玉米培养基上,于20&30℃下培养两周 以上,其 毒性 较强

  • In addition many kinds of bacteria with weak toxigenicity have also become foodborne pathogens except intestinal pathogenic bacteria in recent years .

    除肠道病原菌外,近年来许多致病力很弱的 菌株也成为食源性感染的病原菌。

  • Toxigenicity testing proved that bacteriostatic rate was 93.7 % with 70 % Thiophanate-methyl and 91.4 % with 45 % Amobam .

    药剂毒力筛选测试效果70%甲基 托布津的抑菌率为93.7%;45%代森铵水剂抑菌率为91.4%。

  • The amounts of deoxynivalenol produced by the isolates were 1.08 & 1.45 μ g / ml in liquid culture . There were no significant differences in pathogenicity and toxigenicity among the isolate generations .

    花生 A.flavus菌株产 毒性与致病性研究液体菌株 量1.08&1.45μg/ml,每代的致病性和 毒性均无显著差异。