


  • Study on the Outflow of Rural Financial Resources and the Development of Township Economy

    农村金融资源外流与 乡镇经济发展研究

  • Analysis on the Environmental Problem in the Development of Township Enterprises of Shanxi Province

    浅析山西省 乡镇企业发展中的环境问题

  • On this basis we also focus on strengthening the township in charge of training .

    在此基础上,我们还注重强化对 乡镇分管负责人的培训。

  • Every village and township has its own rules and regulations .

    村有村规, 有乡约。

  • a black township .

    黑人 居住

  • This article will discuss about the countermeasures and suggestions during township developmet of Heilongjiang province .

    本文将探讨黑龙江省 城镇化发展过程中存在的问题及其对策建议。

  • Township authority is of great importance in local governance .

    乡镇权威是地方治理 函数中的重要 变量

  • Participation and Empowerment in Building Rural Subsistence Security System : Taking K township of Guizhou province as the case

    农村低保制度建设中的参与和赋权:贵州省K 的案例研究

  • Rural women in China are an important driving force for the development of township enterprises .

    中国农村妇女是 乡镇企业发展的重要推动者。

  • There 's a bus service from the county seat to every township .

    从县城到各 都通了汽车。

  • Environmental pollution from village and township enterprises was caused because of improper policy imperfect laws and management .

    由于一度政策失误、法规不全、执法不严等原因,造成了我国 乡镇企业对环境的严重污染。

  • Township road shall be built maintained and managed by township ( town ) people 's governments .


  • The prosperity of township enterprises is the inevitable outcome of the economic reform in the rural areas .


  • Numerous village and township enterprises have sprung up since 1978 .

    自1978年以来涌现出许多 乡镇企业。

  • The township people 's governments and urban neighborhood offices shall give guidance and supervision .


  • The rapid development of township enterprises has changed the pattern of the rural economy under the traditional economic structure .


  • Fairs are the main form of trade for township people .

    集贸是 城镇居民的主要贸易方式。

  • The local government of this township has some privilege .

    这个 镇区的当地政府享有一些特权。

  • My situation is a mountainous area in Hubei township government work .

    我的情况是在湖北山区一个 乡镇政府工作。

  • Quite a few women become leaders at different levels in township enterprises .


  • Research and Practice on China 's Township Reform

    我国 乡镇改革的研究评述与实践探索

  • Researches on influencing factors and cultivation of township government 's credit ability


  • The company became in2006 is located in China have called the hardware factory township positions .

    本公司成了于2006年,位于中国有小五金之 之称吉安五金厂。

  • Number of Township and Town Governments Villagers'Committees are taken from civil administration department .


  • The key factor to affecting this supply is the system of county and township finance .

    影响农村公共物品供给的关键因素是 县乡财政体制。

  • My text 's subject investigated of housing support fasten on township residents in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region .

    本文将住房保障的研究对象集中于内蒙古自治区范围内的 城镇居民。

  • Cangzhou 's Wuqiao county is township of the world famous acrobatics .


  • Abstract the rapid development of township enterprises will bring about serious environmental problems .

    摘要文章提出了 乡镇企业的迅速发展的同时,带来的严重的环境。

  • The first-level township government department and households along the project shall be the respondents .

    调查对象为沿线的 乡镇一级政府部门和沿线居民家庭。

  • In the past decade environmental management and pollution prevention and control in township enterprises have made some progress .

    10多年来, 乡镇企业的环境管理和污染防治取得了一定成效。