township government

[ˈtaʊnˌʃɪp ˈɡʌvənmənt][ˈtaunʃip ˈɡʌvənmənt]

[法] 乡政府

  • Analysis on Operation Cost and Its Influencing Factors of Township Government in Xinjiang

    新疆 乡镇 政府运行成本及其影响因素分析

  • Researches on influencing factors and cultivation of township government 's credit ability

    乡镇 政府信用能力的影响因素与培育研究

  • A Study of the Township Government 's Responsibility for Compulsory Education in Rural China

    我国农村义务教育中的 乡镇 政府责任

  • Institutional Innovation of Township Government : Concept and Breakthrough Point

    乡镇 政府制度创新的理念与切入点

  • Tax and Fee Reform in the Western Region during the Institutional Reform Study Township Government

    税费改革时期西部地区 乡镇 政府机构改革研究

  • On the State of Township Government and Governance of Villages under the Pressure System

    压力 体制下的 村治格局剖析

  • Analysis of the Constraining Factors for the Innovation of Township Government

    乡级 政府 行政模式创新的制约因素分析

  • Transition of Township Government 's Functions from the Viewpoint of Comprehensive Reform of Countryside

    农村综合改革视域下乡 政府职能转变研究

  • The first-level township government department and households along the project shall be the respondents .

    调查对象为沿线的 乡镇一级 政府部门和沿线居民家庭。

  • A research on township government performance evaluation based on the balanced scorecard

    基于平衡计分卡的 乡镇 政府绩效评估研究

  • We will accelerate reforms of county and township government institutions .

    加快推进 县乡机构等配套改革。

  • In recent years grass-roots township government in promoting administration according to law has done a lot of exploration from theory to practice many innovations have made certain achievements .

    近年来,我 乡镇 政府在推进依法行政方面做了大量的探索,从理论到实践都有很多创新,取得了一定的成绩。

  • We must promote experiments in overall rural reform and complete reform of town and township government bodies rural compulsory education and fiscal management in counties and townships .

    我们必须全面推进农村综合试点改革和基本完成 乡镇 政府机构改革,农村义务教育和县镇财政管理改革。

  • On the Transformation of Township Government Functions in the Building of New Socialist Countryside

    论新农村建设中 乡镇 政府职能的转变

  • The Composition of Forces of the Township Government and Non-government Organization in the Campaign of Building a New Countryside

    乡镇 政府与非政府组织在社会主义新农村建设中的合力研究

  • The township government portal site contributes to solving the problem of agriculture countryside and peasants .

    乡镇 政府门户网站的总体建设水平比较低、发展极不平衡。

  • Through on-the-spot investigation and pondering the authors believe that the township government is the guidance of the villagers committee of administrative guidance .

    通过实地考察和思考,认为 乡镇 政府对村民委员会的指导属于行政指导行为。

  • The Role of Township Government in Agricultural Public Service Supply

    乡镇 政府在农业公共服务供给中的角色定位

  • An Analysis on the Hindrance Factors in Policy Implementation of Township Government

    乡镇 政府政策执行的阻抑因素分析

  • My situation is a mountainous area in Hubei township government work .

    我的情况是在湖北山区一个 乡镇 政府工作。

  • The township government organization leadership party members and cadres of the ruling ability and service levels are all raised serious challenges .

    茂名 地区 乡镇 政权组织、领导班子、党员干部的执政能力和服务水平等都提出了严峻的考验和挑战。

  • But the three improper phenomena in performance of township government function seriously affected the role of market mechanism and weakened township government function .

    当前 乡镇 政府职能履行中存在的问题,主要体现在“三位”现象,影响了市场机制作用的发挥,弱化了乡镇政府的职能。

  • On the Direction Difficulties and Focus of the Reforms for the Township Government

    乡镇 政府改革的方向、困境与着力点

  • The Research on the Township Government 's Function in the Construction of New Countryside in Less-Developed Regions

    欠发达地区 乡镇 政府在新农村建设中的职能定位研究

  • The second part is the composition of the Township government operating costs a classified division ;

    第二部分主要把 乡镇 政府运行本钱的构成进行了回类划分;

  • The Analysis of Unevenly Distributed Township Government Portal Site in China

    我国 乡镇 政府门户网站分布的差异分析

  • The Functions of Township Government in Implement Processes of the Rural Minimum Living Subsidy System

    我国 乡镇 政府在农村最低生活保障制度实施过程中的作用

  • A Study of Service-oriented Township Government 's Function in New Countryside Construction

    新农村建设中服务型 乡镇 政府的职能探究

  • Study on the Niche in the Development of Human Resource of Township Government

    乡镇 政府在人力资源开发中的生态位研究