trading expense

[经] 贸易费用,营业开支

  • The latter comes from economy of trading expense among holders of enterprise elements and has mechanism of self-protection .

    后者源于企业要素所有者之间 交易 费用的节约,具有自我维护的机制。

  • The combination of pollutant emission reduction pathway and emission trading system with a minimum social-economic development expense is the key study of pollutant total emission control and can improve the current status of pollution distinctly .

    为减少污染物对环境质量的危害,如何将污染物减排途径与排污 交易制度相结合,以较小的社会&经济发展 代价,合理地改善当前环境污染现状是污染物总量控制研究的关键所在。

  • The human society will carry out trading activities around the strategic target of continuing development which means the mankind will not try to realize the economic development social progressing and people health at the expense of environment .

    人类社会将围绕实现可持续发展战略目标开展 贸易活动,也就是说,人类社会下世纪将不 牺牲环境为 代价 求得经济发展、社会进步和人民健康。

  • The fund started trading on November 8 and has an expense ratio of 0.90 per cent .

    该基金今年11月8日开始 上市 交易,手续 费率为0.9%。

  • Instead of the complexities of trading in stocks and bonds or the expense of actively-managed funds they can track the market efficiently .

    与复杂的股票债券 交易和高 成本的主动型基金不同,投资ETF可让投资者高效地对市场进行追踪。

  • Though the data highlight only suspicious transactions rather than identifying particular trades that could be the basis for insider trading charges the sharp rise will add to concerns that Wall Street insiders are illegally benefiting at the expense of ordinary investors .

    虽然数据只突出了可疑交易,没有指证可引发内幕 交易指控的特定交易,但可疑交易的激增增添了市场的担忧,即华尔街的内幕交易者正通过 损害普通投资者利益的手段获取非法利益。

  • There will be no salary caps placed on executives but financial institutions will be instructed to report changes to pay structures and regulators will be encouraged to intervene if bonuses are deemed to encourage risky short-term trading at the expense of long-term solvency .

    草案中不会设置高管薪酬上限,但会要求金融机构报告薪酬结构的变化。如果认为奖金会鼓励有风险的短期 交易损害长期偿付能力,将鼓励监管机构进行干预。

  • Training a financial trading system to deliver the single best model given the data will most often lead to models that fit the past at the expense of predicting the future .

    训练一个金融 交易系统在已有数据下给出单一最佳模型,在多数时候会导致产生那些符合于过去 忽略了未来的模型。