trade receivable

[treid rɪˈsivəbəl][treid rɪˈsi:vəbəl]

[经] 应收货款

  • However along with the increase in volume of trade there arose the problems of huge amount of overseas accounts receivable and high bad debt rate on the part of home enterprises bringing to domestic export business serious management and financial risks .

    然而进出口 贸易额的增加,也产生了国内企业巨额的海外 收账 及高坏账率等问题,这无疑给外贸企业带来了严重的经营风险和财务风险。

  • International factoring has some specialties of trade credit and agency upholded by both commercial and bank credit and in essence it 's a kind of financing centered on transfer of account receivable .

    国际保理兼有 买卖、信贷、代理的特征,具有商业和银行信用的双重支撑,本质上是以 收账 转让为核心的债权融资。

  • International factoring is a kind of comprehensive service which centralizing international trade credit terms account management account receivable risk credit warranty and trade financing .

    国际保理,概括而言,是为国际 贸易赊销方式提供的一种集账务管理、 收账 收取、信用风险担保和贸易资金融通为一体的综合性金融服务。

  • But the content of credit asset is very broad specifically including housing mortgage loan infrastructure project loan auto loan lease and trade receivable income credit card receivable etc.

    但信贷资产包含的内容很广,具体包括住房抵押贷款、基础设施项目贷款、汽车贷款、租赁和 贸易 应收收入、信用卡应收款等。

  • However with the development of the trade credit a serious problem of accounts receivable emerges .

    然而,随着 商业信用的不断发展,企业之间由于赊销业务而产生的 收账 问题也日益严峻。

  • Modem international factoring is an integrated financial service which involves trade financing collection of accounting receivable maintenance of the sales ledger and credit security .

    现代意义的国际保理业务是一种集 贸易融资、 帐款 回收、销售分户帐管理、信用担保几项功能于一体的综合性金融服务产品。

  • The exchange rate risk that the construction unit of the highway faces is shown as the trade risk ma in ly . The risk is the change of the receivable assets ' and the payable debts ' value .

    公路建设单位面临的汇率风险主要表现为 交易风险,即由于外汇率波动而引起的 应收资产与应付债务价值变化的风险。

  • Factoring the receivable finance based on trade credit management is valuable to our companies for improving their receivable management as well as their cash flow .

    保理是建立在 销售信用管理基础上的应 收账款融资业务,它 独特的管理职能和融资职能使其对当今中国企业乃至中国经济具有重要的价值。

  • Therefore the foreign trade enterprise must establish the perfect credit risk management function and undertakes the customer risk control and the account receivable management responsibility .

    因此, 外贸企业必须建立健全专门的信用风险管理体系,专业化地承担客户风险控制和 收账 管理的责任。

  • Modern factoring is a comprehensive financial services integrate function of trade financing account management bad debt security and collection of receivable accounts .

    现代保理业务是一种集 贸易融资、账务管理、坏账担保、收取 收账 等功能于一身的综合性金融服务方式。

  • With the development of the international trade a lot of accounts receivable come into being and bring many problems to the enterprises .

    随着国际 贸易的发展, 企业 收款 居高不下,给企业资金 转让和生产带来很大的困难。