tooth depth

[tuθ dɛpθ][tu:θ depθ]


  • After studying a few measuring methods of the hobbing depth of large diameter circular-arc gear measuring the full tooth depth should be the best way .

    通过对目前圆弧齿轮切齿深度常用的几种测量方法的比较,提出了大直径圆弧齿轮切齿 深度的控制最好采用检测全 齿 这一方法。

  • The tooth bearing should be hardened with the medium frequency induction of 20 ~ 50 kHz and the depth of the hardened layer be 2.0 ~ 3.0 mm .

    齿面采用20~50kHz中频感应淬火处理,硬化层 深度2.0~3.0mm。

  • Study on Micro-hardness and Wear Resistance of Human Tooth at Different Depth

    人体 天然 不同 深度 层次的显微硬度与耐磨性的研究

  • First the transient temperature fields in tooth surface by pulsed line-source laser producing are studied . The temperature rises in the direction of depth and the radius are analyzed .

    先讨论了激光线源作用于 牙齿表面时产生的瞬态温度场,得到了 深度和光斑半径方向上的温升情况。

  • To evaluate the default effects under identical loading condition on the vibration responses two types of defects are incorporated in these 3D models for simulation : crack at the tooth foot with different depth and spalling at the tooth flank with various sizes .

    为研究和评价在相同载荷下不同 齿轮故障对传动系统的振动响应的影响,对两种类型的 齿轮故障进行三维建模和仿真: 齿根处不同 厚度的裂纹和齿面不同尺寸的剥落。

  • The micro-wear test results show that main wear mechanisms of the swine tooth enamel and the human tooth enamel are both delamination and plough . The steady-state friction coefficient and the largest wear depth of the swine tooth enamel are greater than that of human tooth enamel . 4 .

    宏观摩擦试验结果表明,猪牙釉质和人 牙釉质的磨损机制类似,剥落和犁沟共存于二者的磨斑表面,猪牙釉质的稳态摩擦系数和最大磨损 深度均大于人牙釉质。

  • The interaction of feed per tooth and depth of cut introduces a lower frequency periodic signal ;

    铣削 深度和每 齿进给量之间的交互作用在切削 响应信号中表现为低频周期信号;

  • Results : Before treating there were no statistical differences between Titanium-alloy splint group and non-splint Co-Cr-alloy splint group in tooth mobility probing depth attachment loss and alveolar bone resorption ( p > 0.05 ) .

    结果:治疗前:钛金组与非夹板组、钴金组患 松动度、牙周袋 深度、牙周附着丧失、牙槽骨吸收量的比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);

  • Also the construction and the work principle of the electronic optical comparator which serves as an instrument of high precision in measuring the wear all over the tooth profile is introduced as well as the principle and calculation in radioactive determination of the wear in tooth depth .

    同时,文中还介绍了精密测量全齿廓磨损的光电比较仪的结构和原理,以及放射性测定 齿 磨损的原理和计算方法。

  • The transient stress distribution along the breadth of the tooth and depth of tooth and the influence of profile modification were further studied .

    在此基础上,对沿 轮齿 齿宽和 齿 方向的瞬态应力分布情况以及修形对啮合瞬态性能的影响进行了较为详细的分析。

  • Were to change the amount of feed per tooth cutting depth cutting width cutting speed the four cutting parameters of single-factor experiments . The data obtained by experiment and simulation results were analyzed . 3 .

    分别改变每 齿进给量、切削 深度、切削宽度、切削速度这四个切削参数进行单因素切削试验,通过试验得到的数据与仿真结果进行对比验证。

  • Results : Tooth fossa of central incisor was most superficial with a depth of 10.98 ± 1.75 on the left and 10 . 52 ± 1.12 on the right ;

    结果:中 切牙窝最浅,左侧为 10.98±1.75,右侧为10.52±1.12;

  • The cutting force and vibration of different machining conditions have been studied . The results show that effect of cutting speed on cutting force and vibration is more unremarkable than feed per tooth and cutting depth .

    通过对不同切削条件下切削力和振动进行分析,发现切削速度的增加不会引起切削力和振动较大变化,而每 齿进给量和轴向切 对切削力和振动的影响较大。

  • The equation of meshing control equation of the tooth depth and the second order geometric parameters of the gear tooth surface are established .

    推导出相应的切齿啮合方程、工件齿面二阶参数 成控制方程和 工件 齿 控制方程,并给出机床运动函数、 中心速度以及刀尖半径的具体求解方法。

  • A quadratic model of predicting helical milling force was researched . The effects of spindle speed feed per tooth and axial and radial depth of cut were analyzed .

    通过统计学中的响应曲面法建立了螺旋铣削过程中切削力的二阶模型,并分析了主轴转速、每 齿进给量、轴向和径向切削 深度等因素对切削力的影响。