tooth flank

[tuθ flæŋk][tu:θ flæŋk]


  • Hobbing Tooth Flank Generating Theory and Parameters Calculation of Conical Involute Gears

    锥形齿轮滚削 齿 面的构成理论及参数计算

  • Analysis of the forming principle of tooth flank of modified type worm gear pair was based on different geometry and spatial engaging theory .

    基于微分几何和空间啮合理论,分析了修正型 圆环 双包络环面蜗杆副 齿 形成原理。

  • A Study of Cracking on the Conjugate Crowned Tooth Flank with the Theory of Maximum Tensile Strain

    基于最大拉应变理论的共轭鼓形 齿 裂纹研究

  • To evaluate the default effects under identical loading condition on the vibration responses two types of defects are incorporated in these 3D models for simulation : crack at the tooth foot with different depth and spalling at the tooth flank with various sizes .

    为研究和评价在相同载荷下不同齿轮故障对传动系统的振动响应的影响,对两种类型的齿轮故障进行三维建模和仿真:齿根处不同厚度的裂纹和 齿 不同尺寸的剥落。

  • It can remove the excess metals from tooth flank by means of form grinding wheel and correct completely various errors existed in pre-grinding gear so as to have gear acquire higher machining accuracy and surface quality .

    它借助成形砂轮的 切削作用去除 轮齿表面的多余金属,可全面纠正齿轮磨前的各项误差,使整个齿轮达到较高的加工精度和表面质量。

  • According to engagement theory the profile equation of non - involute gear-shaper cutter is deduced and the theoretical equation of the tooth flank for non - involute gear - shaper cutter is established .

    根据啮合理论,推导了非渐开线插齿刀的齿形方程,并建立了非渐开线插齿刀 齿 侧面的理论方程。

  • When the different modified parameters were selected pattern ⅰ contact line and pattern ⅱ contact line on the tooth flank of the worm wheel were gained .

    指出随着不同变位量的选择,在二包蜗轮 齿 得到Ⅰ型接触线和Ⅱ型接触线。

  • Effects of Gear Lubrication Design on Tooth Flank Failures and Design Measures

    齿轮润滑设计对 齿 失效的影响及设计对策

  • This is of great importance to the analysis of the tooth flank profile contact area lubrication design and strength calculation of the above-mentioned gear .

    这对分析 双向圆弧齿轮的 齿面结构、接触区域、润滑设计和强度计算都是至关重要的。

  • Firstly based on the gearing theories and the gearing conditions the universal tooth flank curve equations of asymmetric gear with two pressure angles are derived by the gear shape normal method and the main parameters are formulated .

    首先,基于渐开线齿轮啮合原理和啮合条件,利用齿形法线法,推导了双压力角非对称齿轮的通用 齿 方程,并研究了其主要参数的计算和啮合特性。

  • Gear grinding quality includes many contents . Here means primarily profile accuracy tooth spacing accuracy tooth flank roughness flank grinding burn and so on .

    磨齿质量涉及内容广泛,这里主要指的是齿形精度、齿距精度、 齿 粗糙度、齿面磨削烧伤等。

  • We were able to show that nitrided gears are inferior to case hardened gears both in tooth root strength and in tooth flank loading capacity .

    我们能这样说,氮化齿轮的齿根强度和 齿 侧面的承载能力比渗碳淬火齿轮要差,通过去掉脆性的复合层。

  • The development design manufacture as well as on-site installation and testing of hard tooth flank Novikov gears with double circular arc tooth profiles and gear case were introduced .

    介绍 硬齿 双圆弧齿轮副和齿轮箱的开发、设计、制造和现场安装测试。

  • Forming Mechanism of Tooth Flank Burr in Cutting Gear

    滚(齿)切(削)法齿轮齿 切削加工中的毛刺生成机理

  • Fitting of the hypoid gear tooth flank by NURBS

    准双曲面齿轮 齿 面的NURBS曲面拟合

  • The tooth flank equation and fillet equation of straight bevel gear

    直齿圆锥齿轮 齿 和齿根过渡曲面方程

  • The primary factors which influence the interference law have been found and the author also expounds the theoretical basis for taking some important measures to improve the precision of the hob tooth flank during its manufacturing process .

    从中可以找出影响这种干涉规律的主要因素,同时阐明了现场为提高滚刀 齿 侧面精度而采取的一些措施的理论依据。

  • In this paper are proposed the methods for evaluating the contact accuracy of gears with the tooth flank error measured by means of3-coordinate measuring technique .

    本文提出了用三座标测量技术测得的 齿 误差来分析和评估斜齿轮的接触精度。

  • In this paper the trapping property of external helical gear pump was investigated in detail and the tooth flank equation of helical gear pump without backlash was presented .

    对外啮合斜齿齿轮泵的困油特性进行了较详细的研究,得出了无侧隙斜齿轮泵的 接触 方程;

  • The results show that only when there is one meshing limit line on the worm tooth flank or two lines which are not coincide with each other can the second contact line be seen on the worm tooth flank of double enveloping TI worm gearing .

    分析表明,只有当蜗轮 齿 上的啮合界限线为一条或两条且这两条线不重合时,才能在二次包络TI蜗杆传动副的蜗轮齿面上得到二次接触线;

  • The Influence of Tooth Flank Quality and Lubrication Conditions on the Tooth Surface Load Capactiy

    齿轮表面质量和润滑条件对 齿 承载能力的影响

  • The factors influencing on tooth flank roughness flank burn are also discussed from gear grinding process wheel dressing and gear material the countermeasures to solve these problems are pointed out . ( 7 ) Installation and adjustment of CNC gear form grinding machine are completed .

    从磨齿工艺参数、砂轮修整等方面分析了影响 齿 表面粗糙度、齿面烧伤的因素,并提出了解决问题的对策。(7)完成了数控成形磨齿机安装调试。

  • Research on Curvature of Tooth Flank of Gleason Spiral Bevel Gears

    格利森制弧齿锥齿轮的 齿 曲率特性研究

  • In this dissertation the main contents and the conclusions are following as : The researchs on the geometrical principle of face gear drive the localization of contact bearing and the correction of the tooth flank form have been done .

    本论文主要研究内容和结论如下:研究了面齿轮传动的几何原理, 齿 接触区的局部化及其修形方法。

  • Theory and analysis of tooth flank modeling with shaving cutter

    剃齿刀 齿 造型理论及其分析

  • By the finite element method the following were calculated the force acting point on the new type arc tooth flank of the belt and the compliance coefficient of the belt teeth .

    通过有限元的方法,计算出了新型圆弧 齿 同步带齿载荷分布状态、力作用点位置、带齿的柔度及 度系数,为新型圆弧 齿 同步带的进一步研究提供了必要数据。

  • The tooth flank equations of plunge shaving cutter and conventional shaving cutter are deduced using the engagement principle for single freedom and two freedom respectively .

    齿轮啮合原理入手,导出了单自由度的径向剃齿刀的 齿 方程,与双自由度的普通剃齿刀齿 方程;

  • The machining error affecting the load distribution are errors of the tooth flank direction and the contact line .

    影响负荷分布性的加工误差主要因素是 齿向误差和接触线误差。

  • The approximation machining of the tooth flank for non-involute gear-shaper cutter-forming gear grinding method

    非渐开线插齿刀 齿 侧面的逼近加工&成形磨齿法