tool world

[tul wɜrld][tu:l wɜː(r)ld]


  • As CNC machine tool is developed in high speed high accuracy and high efficiency direction Dynamic design method is needed to upgrade the competitive power of our machine tool in world .

    数控机床日益向高速度、高精度和高效率的方向发展,要求我们采用 先进的动态设计方法来提升我国 机床企业的竞争力。

  • SUNYES put forward the concept of Electronic Tool in the world firstly and succeeded in providing manufacture & process solve project and fitting product to thousands of famous electronic enterprise .

    新亚在 全球率先提出“电子 工具”的概念,并已成功为 万家著名电子企业提供完全制程解决方案及配套产品。

  • Due to the enormous promoting effect to social production and national economy the tool market of the world develops rapidly .

    由于模具对社会生产和国民经济的巨大推动作用, 世界 模具市场发展迅速。

  • Kansas City Board of Trade ( KCBT ) launched its first stock index futures contract in 1982 after 20 years of development stock index futures has become one of the most important financial derivative tool in the world .

    自从1982年美国堪萨斯期货交易所推出首张股指期货合约以来,经过20多年的发展,股指期货已经成为 世界 最为重要的金融衍生 工具之一。

  • As the exchange of economy technology and culture between or among countries become more frequent Chinese as a communication tool in the world was more and more widely used in various fields .

    随着世界各国经济、技术、文化等方面交流的日益频繁,汉语作为一种交际 工具,在 世界 被越来越广泛地应用于各个领域。

  • The beta is an important tool for the World Bank gather feedback as we finalize an approach that we can apply throughout the Bank 's entire website .

    测试版是 世行收集反馈的一个重要 工具,因为我们最终要确定一种能应用于整个世行网站的模式。

  • With few foreign reporters in Syria social media have become a major tool for telling the world what is happening .

    在叙利亚的外国记者很少,社交媒体已经成为向 世界讲述叙利亚现状的一个重要 工具

  • Protestantism ethics stimulated the tool rational growth the tool rational growth is the capitalism development first condition the capitalism development has accelerated the tool rational expansion has caused the tool rational world outlook spread the ultimate value is neglected .

    新教伦理激发了工具理性的增长,工具理性的增长是资本主义发展的首要条件,资本主义的发展又加速了工具理性的扩张,导致了 工具理性 世界观的蔓延,终极价值被忽视。

  • Currently the most popular risk measure tool in the world is VaR ( Value at Risk ) model .

    管理汇率风险的前提是测度汇率风险,目前, 国际流行的风险测度 工具是VaR(ValueAtRisk)模型。

  • Asset backed securitization is one of most advanced financial tool in the world .

    资产证券化是 世界 最先进的金融 工具之一。

  • And that is very good news because the Internet may well be the most powerful tool for combating world poverty that we 've ever had .

    这是非常好的消息,因为互联网非常可能成为我们消除所 面临的贫困的最强有效的 工具

  • Virtual Reality Modeling Language ( VRML ) is a combinative object of Virtual Reality technology and network technology . It has become the main developing tool of three-dimension virtual world on Internet .

    虚拟现实建模语言(VRML)是虚拟现实技术与网络技术的融合,它已成为Internet三维虚拟 世界的主要开发 工具

  • China as a developing country also cannot avoid this problem . Microcredit is the most effective anti-poverty tool all over the world .

    贫困是一个 国际性的难题,中国作为一个发展中大国同样不能 回避这个问题。

  • In 1992 Kaplan and his Colleagues published firstly the paper about Balanced Scorecard . With the development of the theory now it has become the most influential strategic management tool all over the world .

    从1992年,卡普兰等学者发表了第一篇关于平衡记分卡的论文至今,平衡计分卡经历了多年的发展,现已成为 全球最具影响力的战略管理 工具

  • Language is an important tool in understanding the world .

    语言是认识 世界的最重要 工具

  • Biggest machine tool production country and the biggest machine tool consumer of the world . But its technology is still much lower than the advance level of the world especially in the CNC machine tool technology field .

    中国经过近十年的发展,已经 成为 世界第四大 机床生产国和最大的消费国,但技术水平与 世界先进水平相差很大,特别是数控机床技术差距更大。

  • Its speed could also mean it becomes a vital diagnostic tool in the developing world where chlamydia which can cause infertility is a largely hidden menace .

    它的速度同样意味着:它变成了一个重要的检测 工具。在 发展中国家,衣原体是造成不孕一个主要的隐性威胁。

  • The main character of object oriented method is achieving the exchange directly using special software tool from description of object to software structure . It solves the problem that the description tool of objective world differs from software structure in structured developing method .

    面向对象的方法的最主要的特点就是利用特定的软件工具直接完成从对象客体的描述到软件结构之间的转换,解决了结构化开发方法中客观 世界描述 工具与软件结构不一致的问题。

  • She says it is not merely a tool for understanding the world but for changing it as well .

    她表示哲学不仅仅是一种了解 世界 工具,同样也能用来改变 世界

  • The eyes are artists to watch the world the important tool of feeling the world .

    眼睛是艺术家们观看世界感触 世界的重要 工具

  • Microfinance has been proven to be an effective anti-poverty tool in the world .

    小额信贷在 国外众多的实践中被证明是有效的扶贫 工具

  • NET become a successful database visiting tool in the internet world .

    NET成为网络 时代成功的数据访问 模式

  • Them return go to company just discover have originally a cockroach who enters computer to falsify the program of toy bear is them become self dominate the tool of world .

    他们便回到公司才发现原来有一只蟑螂进入电脑篡改了玩具熊的程序,是它们成为自己称霸 世界 工具

  • As the best instant communication tool in the world Skype is paid more and more attention to .

    Skype作为目前 世界 最好的即时通讯 工具,越来越受到关注。

  • Alcoholics Anonymous is the best networking tool in the world .

    访问与你理想 雇主关系最近的 小组

  • In the days when gunboat diplomacy was a more accepted tool of world powers ( Christian Science Monitor )

    在那些 世界强国喜欢进行 炮舰外交的时期(基督教科学箴言报)

  • The central tool for imagining the world differently and sharing that vision is not accountancy .

    用不同的方法想象 世界,并与他人分享这种远景的重要 工具不是会计学。

  • With coming of Internet Age internet has become an important information communication tool in the world but its wide use also brought many social issues .

    全新网络时代的倾力拥抱,使得网络成为 世界一种重要的信息交流 工具,但其传播业带来了不少社会问题。

  • ISI quoted passage index is the most famous search tool of the world get the extensive concern a lot of famous universities and organization and even a lot of countries regard it as one kink strategy investment .

    ISI引文索引是 世界最著名的检索 工具,得到 世界用户的广泛关注,许多著名大学、机构乃至许多国家都把它作为一种战略性投资。