


  • Improvement of the crystallizing system in lube oil MEK toluol dewaxing industry

    润滑油酮 脱蜡工业结晶系统的改进

  • Technics Design of Heavy Raw Material Mek Toluol Deoiling Unit

    重质 脱油的工艺 优化 重质 装置工艺设计

  • Different media affected its activity badly and it got highest activity in water by test . However it expressed its own highest enzyme activity both in water and in toluol at pH 7.5 and 45 ℃ .

    不同的介质对 静息 细胞酶的活性有影响,在 水相 静息 细胞酶表现出最高活性,但无论在 甲苯溶液还是在水溶液中在 pH7.5和45℃时均表现出最高酶活。

  • At present in MEK toluol dewaxing the crystallizing system is taking the filtrate from firststage deoiling as first secondary diluent taking fresh solvent as third solvent but the result is not perfect .

    目前,在酮 脱蜡生产工艺流程中,结晶系统采用一段脱油的滤液作为第一、第二次溶剂,采用新鲜溶剂作为第三次溶剂加入,但效果不太理想。