tone sense

[toʊn sɛns][təun sens]


  • However whenever I am inclined to use an ! to convey a positive tone I get the sense that it actually reads as childish or immature .

    然而,每当我试图利用一个惊叹号来传达积极的 语气时,我却发现这读起来让我 显得很幼稚。

  • A tone must have a pitch the object of the sense of touch a hardness etc.

    音调必须具有一种高度, 触觉对象必须 具有一种硬度,等等。

  • This sets the tone of the novel with a strong tragic sense on both history and ideal .

    一切,构成了该书 浓烈的历史悲剧 与理想悲剧

  • It is mainly determined by the pitch . Rhythm in the scale is also determined by the pitch can used the scale to simulate learning tone can also turn to their own learning rhythm sense .

    它主要是由音高决定的,而音乐中的音阶也是由音高决定的,所以,可以用音阶来模拟学习 声调,也可以借助于自己的音乐 来学习。

  • In Chinese tone plays an important role in sense distinction . Syllables with the same consonant and vowel but with different tones may have a completely different meaning .

    在汉语中 声调承担着重要的 作用,相同声母和韵母构成的音节随着声调的不同而具有完全不同的意义。

  • The color matches should not proper adoption over the deep tone it should satisfy the pleasant sense of vision and space .

    色彩搭配不宜采用过深的 色调,应满足视觉和空间的宜人

  • It displays that during the evolution of the orchestration art of the Chinese Orchestra in the 20th century two different senses of tone color which interacting and influencing each other push forward the evolution of the Chinese Orchestra art and the traditional sense of tone color has regressed .

    本文认为,在20世纪民族管弦乐配器艺术的发展过程中,两种不同 音色观念的相互作用、相互影响推动了民族管弦乐艺术的发展,传统音色 观念走过了一条螺旋式回归的发展道路。

  • Intonation refers to the tone patterns of a language according to its narrow definition though it includes stress tempo rhythm and other features in a broad sense .

    各语言学家对语调的定义有所不同,狭义的定义仅指语言的 音高模式,而 广义的定义还包括重音,韵律和速度等特征。

  • If you can combine the wedding theme and tone design a have your autograph menu for your wedding will undoubtedly add fashion sense .

    如果你可以结合婚礼的主题及 色调,设计一份有你们亲笔签名的菜单,无疑会为你的婚礼增添时尚

  • Tone and Taste & On the Aesthetic Quality of Poetic Life make more interesting or flavorful either in the literal or in a metaphorical sense .

    与趣&试论诗性生命的审美质性在文字上或隐喻性的 感觉 使更有趣味或更可口。

  • The esthetics characteristics of the text can let people feel the topic 's tone on the sense layer .

    而文本所具有的审美特征,更是在 感觉层面上就能使人感受到主题的 色调

  • Ironic tone also penetrates through the relationship between the characters in the novel . The structure and description of the novel also embodies a sense of ironic tone .

    反讽 基调还贯穿在小说的人物关系之中,小说结构以及语言描写也极具反讽 意味

  • Dimly light and dark in colour the overriding tone of these pieces are claustrophobic and sombre exuding a sense of loneliness .

    昏暗的光线,黯淡的颜色 带有黑暗 幽闭的气质,散发出一种孤独