When beginning to copy his nephew stared tongue-tied and did not know where to start .
当侄儿动手抄写时, 膛 目 结舌, 无从下笔。
Whenever we meet we 're tongue-tied and shy like two little kids .
我们碰到的时候,就会 支支吾吾的,而且很害羞就像两个孩子一样。
Whenever I see my crush I get completely tongue-tied and can 't say a word .
每次我看见我的心上人时,我就舌头 打结,说不出话 来。
Does the idea of expressing your feelings to someone you care for make you feel nervous and tongue-tied ?
对你关心的人的表达你的感受,一想到这个是否让你感到紧张, 舌头 打结?
To make me tongue-tied speaking of your fame .
我 提起你的盛名 就 结舌 语 槁。
Talking to girls is a snap for him but I 'm always tongue-tied .
对他来说,和女孩子交谈十分容易,可我却常常 哑口无言。
Tongue-tied and not good at school the young Beckham was an obsessive footballer .
贝克汉姆年幼时不善 言辞,学习成绩 也不太好,但痴迷于踢球。
After a few sentences I became tongue-tied .
我 说了几句就 没 词儿了。
I 'm the living embodiment of a warship and I can 't talk to you without getting tongue-tied .
我是一艘战舰的生命体化身,除非把 舌头 连接在 一起, 否则我是不能和你说的。
When he was introduced to the famous actress he was so nervous that he was tongue-tied .
当他被介绍给那位著名女演员时竟紧张 得 张口结舌, 哑口无言。
I 'm never sure if I 'm getting the best price and most of the time I get all tongue-tied when I start haggling .
我总也不知道是不是买到了好价钱,大部分时间都是刚一开口侃价 舌头就不听使唤了。
Otherwise the future interview I 'm afraid you will be asked to getting tongue-tied appear very embarrassed .
否则将来面试时,您恐怕会被问得 张口结舌,显得很尴尬。
In their presence I became self-conscious and tongue-tied .
当着他们的面,我有些难为情, 说 不 出 话 来。
He was stumped by the questions and remained tongue-tied for a good while .
他被问 得 张口结舌,半天 说 不 出 话 来。
He stood tongue-tied before the huge audience .
在大批听众面前他站着 说 不 出 话 来。
Whenever I talk in front of an audience I got tongue-tied .
一面对观众讲话,我就 结结巴巴的。
A tongue-tied silence was suddenly broken .
突然, 沉默无言的 局面被打破了。
This eye-catching bridge design is bound to have the architectural critics tongue-tied .
这座桥的设计造型如此抢眼,一定会让建筑评论家们 嗔 目 结舌。
I described to him the way I had felt when he had looked at me and how incongruous it had been for me to be tongue-tied by it .
我向他描述他看我时我的感觉如何,及我被 他的 注视 弄 得 瞠目结舌是多么不合理的一件事。
One might say that her opponents display a syndrome called being tongue-tied .
也许你可以说她的对手们都 变得 张口结舌了。
The high housing prices in big cities have stunned people tongue-tied .
大城市的房价高得令人 咂 舌。
I constantly found myself tongue-tied when it came to seeing guests off at the door .
作为 美国人, 每当要我 送客 出门时,我总是舌头 打结。
When I was having my oral exam I got so tongue-tied that it was a miracle I could complete a sentence .
口试的时候,我的 舌头 打结,而我居然能 说出一个完整的句子,这简直是个奇迹。
Speaking out loud is the only way to identify awkward words or phrases that can leave you tongue-tied .
只有通过大声讲话,才能发现那些 拗口的字词或短语。
I get all tongue-tied when I talk to him .
我跟他 说话时 舌头都 紧张 得 打结。
Whether you become tongue-tied or are thrown a curveball question roll with the punches .
你是否 突然 舌头 打结 说 不 出 话 来,或者,被问到一个出乎意料的问题, 变得逆来顺受?
Do you get tongue-tied when you try to talk in English ?
你 是否 觉得当你试著说英语的 时候 舌头会 打结?
It 's not unusual for someone to be a little tongue-tied around a new group of people .
在一群新 认识的人 面前 就好像被绑 住了 舌头,这样的事并不少见。
When this thought struck her she felt more tongue-tied than ever .
想到这一点,她更加 说 不 出 话 来了。
He met a very beautiful woman at the party and was tongue-tied .
在派对上他遇见一个美女, 立马害羞的 舌头 打结。
美[ˈtʌŋˌtaɪd]英[tʌŋ taɪd]