


  • Alanine appears to be the preferred amino acid in the transamination .

    氨基 糖苷 磷酸转移酶丙氨酸在 作用中似乎是更好的氨基酸。

  • The analytical conditions were optimized . The influences of transamination of DNA probe by ethylene diamine and 1 diamine as well as carrier proteins on hybridization assay were compared .

    优化了分析条件,比较了己二胺、乙二胺 胺化探针及载体蛋白对杂交分析的影响。

  • The transformations involve a deamination or transamination of a particular amino acid . The Function Mechanism and Transgenic Application of ACC-deaminase

    作用包含一个特定的氨基酸的脱 作用 作用ACC脱氨酶的作用机理和转基因的应用

  • Transamination is a key step in the biosynthesis and breakdown of most amino acids .

    作用是大多数氨基酸生物合成或降解中的关键 反应步骤。

  • This pathway involves the transamination of prephenate to form pretyrosine .

    这一途径包括预苯酸的 氨基 作用,形成预酪氨酸。

  • Studies on the metabolism of amino acids in the silkworms : comparison of the hemolymph amino acids the transamination of glycine and alanine and the decarboxylation of ketomalonate in the tissues of Bombyx mori and Samia ricini

    蚕氨基酸代谢的研究&家蚕与蓖麻蚕的氨基酸和形成甘氨酸、 丙氨酸的酶系比较及酮丙二酸的脱羧 作用

  • Improving of the Method in Isolating the Products of Transamination for Paper Chromatography

    纸层析分离 作用产物方法的改进

  • The transformations involve a deamination or transamination of a particular amino acid .

    作用包含一个特定的氨基酸的脱 作用 作用