transaction on credit

[trænˈsækʃən ɑn ˈkrɛdɪt][trænˈzækʃən ɔn ˈkredit]

[经] 赊帐交易

  • Then introduce the knowledge of transaction layer such as : the definition of transaction layer packet ( TLP ) the way to handle the received TLP transaction order rules and the most important part : flow control base on credit .

    重点介绍了数据事务层的理论知识,如数据事务层包的定义,收到的事务包的处理方式, 事务次序和 基于 信用的流量控制,其中以流量控制为重点。

  • SET is an e-commerce secure transaction protocol standard set based on credit card transactions over Internet . By establishing standards and adopting the technology of encryption and authentication SET has resolved almost all security problems that once stranded the development of e-commerce .

    SET是 基于 信用卡在线支付的电子商务安全 交易协议规范集,它通过制定标准和采用各种加密、认证手段,解决了阻碍电子商务发展的许多安全问题。

  • Personal credit system not only provides rules to guide the actions in personal credit transaction but also has effects on institutional credit and other action .

    个人信用制度不仅提供了规范个人信用 交易行为的规则,也完全可以 机构 信用乃至其它行为发生作用。

  • This article then provides an overview of the basic process of the credit card transaction based on which we discussed the relationship between all credit card subjects .

    接着本文概述了信用卡 交易的基本流程,并在此基础 重点探讨了 信用卡各方当事人间的关系。

  • Influence of Related Transaction on Credit Risk and Its Prevention

    关联 交易带来的 信贷风险及其防范

  • It generated $ 19m by making a 1 cent contribution for each transaction made on a special credit card substantially swelling customer numbers and purchases in the process .

    通过 特殊 信用卡进行的每笔 交易捐出1美分,这个创新计划总共创造了1900万美元,并在此过程中大幅提高了该公司信用卡的用户和交易数量。

  • The payment transaction task will be based on the status of the validity of the credit card task .

    付款 事务需要 信用卡有效的状态下进行。

  • Based on the real transaction data from market of individual loans in Beijing in 2001 a bi-Logit selective model is used to quantitatively analyze the influence of economic factors borrowers ' identities and property of individual credit products on selective behavior of credit period and credit-to-value ratio .

    本文以2001年北京个贷市场实际 交易数据为基础,采用二元Logit选择模型,定量分析经济因素、借款人个体属性和个贷产品属性 借款人 个贷期限和贷款价值比选择行为的影响。