


  • He was sold out by a traitor and arrested .

    他被 叛徒 出卖,被捕了。

  • You talked you traitor ! You talked !

    你说了,你个 叛徒!你说了!

  • She referred to you as a traitor .

    她认为你是个 叛徒

  • I 'm considered a traitor to this country .

    我被看作是国家的 叛徒

  • He was arraigned for criminally abetting a traitor .

    他因怂恿他人 叛国而受到传讯。

  • Some 25 demonstrators denounced him as a traitor .

    大约2.5万名示威者痛斥他是 叛徒

  • The speech was interrupted by members of the Conservative Party who called him a traitor

    演说被保守党人士打断,他们称他是 叛徒

  • You murderous self-serving traitor ! It 's over !

    你这残忍自私的 叛徒,该结束了!

  • And I answer we have a traitor in our midst .

    我来告诉你们,我们中间出了 叛徒

  • He is a traitor to the faith into which he has been born .


  • She was betrayed by the traitor .

    她被 叛徒出卖了。

  • Traitor ? I 'm the one who was betrayed !

    背叛 ?我才是被背叛的人!

  • When you call my son a traitor .

    你说我儿是个 叛徒

  • You 're a convicted and executed traitor .

    你是个有罪并被处决的 叛徒

  • The traitor will be given no mercy .

    那个 叛徒绝不会得到饶恕。

  • In this case Malik is a traitor because he went and started dating the woman that Neil likes .

    在这个句子中,Malik是个 叛徒,因为他和Neil喜欢的女人约会。

  • Fayed has alreadycalled me a traitor .

    fayed已经叫我 叛徒了。

  • Become traitor given up everything for you .

    成为一个 叛徒,为你放弃我的一切。

  • He called my father a traitor .

    他说我爸是个 叛徒

  • But my father was not a traitor .

    可是我的父亲不是一个 叛徒

  • The worst thing in this world is a traitor right ?

    天下最糟的事就是 叛徒,对吗?

  • They called him a traitor to his Afrikaner people .

    他们称他 背叛了自己的族人南非白人。

  • She denied that she had turned traitor .

    她否认自己 叛变了。

  • One night the guerrillas stole into the city and knocked off the traitor .

    一天夜里,游击队员们悄悄摸进城里,干掉了 那个 叛徒

  • The traitor 's now in possession of a rifle .

    那现在 叛徒手里有把枪了。

  • The traitor 's property was confiscated .

    那个 叛国 的财产被没收了。

  • The traitor was put to death .

    那个 叛徒被处死了。

  • You are a traitor of this nation !

    你这民族的 叛徒

  • Some say he 's a traitor to the working class .

    一些人说他是工人阶级的 叛徒

  • Catherine Catherine I 'm a traitor too and I dare not tell you !

    凯瑟琳,凯瑟琳,而且我还是一个 背信弃义的人,我不敢告诉你!