trail off

[trel ɔf][treil ɔf]


  • A memory factor is introduced to describe the characteristic that trust trail off along with time . The grey relation is used to measure the accurateness of feedback .

    引入记忆因子来 刻画信任随时间 衰减的特性,并利用基于灰色相关度的方法来量化推荐信任的准确度。

  • And then you trail off .

    于是你 逐渐 淡出 舞台

  • ' But he had no reason . He of all men * ' Kate 's voice trailed off .

    “但是他没有任何理由。在所有人当中*”凯特的声音越来 轻。

  • But do not stick around your neighborhood & check out a hiking trail or kick off your shoes and go jogging on the beach .

    但是不要呆在周围的街区&找个 徒步旅行 线路,或者 脱掉鞋,去海滩慢跑。

  • Shorty screamed then let his voice trail off in a gale of wild laughter .


  • The audience began to trail off when the speaker continued for over an hour .

    当讲演者 了1个多小时 ,听众就开始 闲谈