


  • All of these show a typical tragical spirit .

    这都体现了一种典型的 悲剧精神。

  • One day she was pink and flawless ; another pale and tragical .

    今天她的脸色红润、完美;明天 为苍白、 凄楚

  • The third section dwells on seeking the creation features with regard to tragical characters by composers .

    第三部分着重对威尔弟创作 悲剧性人物的 手法特征 加以研究,以期从中 找寻 作曲家是 如何运用音乐的 手段来对 这个人物进行刻画的。

  • From an aesthetical angle his operas are both tragical and comedic filled with harmony and dramatical conflictions .

    他的歌剧从美学的特征上看,既充斥着 悲剧 不乏喜剧成分,既有和谐之美又伴随着戏剧冲突。

  • Myth Tradition in Western Literature and The Tragical History of Dr Faustus ;

    西方文学中的神话传统与《浮士德博士的 悲剧

  • Poems of yesterday period show the idea of love beauty and tragical connotation that is closely connected with Feng Zhi s thinking development in early youth ;

    “昨日”时期的作品宣扬“爱”和“美”的思想,同时又有着 悲剧性的内涵,这与其时处于青年早期的冯至思想发展的状况密切相关;

  • Can Xue holds the point that the objective existence of human being is just an inherent tragical existence and the spiritual existence includes tragical spirit and overcoming spirit .

    在残雪小说中,人的客观存在表现为人是一个与生俱来的 悲剧性存在,而人的精神存在则包括两个方面,即悲剧精神和超越性精神。

  • Also very heartfelt were the words of Michel Platini current UEFA president but on that tragical night was on the field at the Heysel .

    同样打动人心的还有米歇尔·普拉蒂尼的话语,他是现任欧足联主席,也是那个 悲剧的夜晚在海瑟尔球场上的一员。

  • Su 's tragical experience inevitably had a deep influence on his art inditing incarnated by the special tragical characteristic .

    苏轼 悲剧性 人生经历不可避免地对他的文艺创作产生着深刻的影响,体现为苏轼 文艺 作品中特有的悲剧情怀和悲剧美。

  • Hosts of tragical characters and images hold the leading post in Japanese classical novels which have as their representatives Genjimonogatari and Heikemonogatari .

    以《源氏物语》和《平家物语》为代表的日本古典物语中,众多的 悲剧人物形象占据了作品的主导地位。

  • The first part studied the formative reasons of the tragical significance in Conrad 's novels .

    第一部分考察了康拉德小说创作的 悲剧意蕴的形成原因。

  • His works - Sneering at the tiger tells that it is tragical for people to live without impedimenta consciousness .


  • The third part explores the creation of the tragical image through the analysis of the dramatic contradiction .

    第三部分从戏剧矛盾冲突 音乐分析的角度分析 歌剧 茶花 悲剧形象塑造;

  • You take too tragical a view of matters ( John Fowles ) He assumes a sudden look of tragical sobriety ( Scott Turow )

    你看事物的态度太 悲观了(约翰福尔斯)他忽然摆出一副表演悲剧般严肃的样子(斯科特图罗)

  • By reading and analysing Conrad 's some important novels this thesis deeply explored the tragical significance in them .

    本论文通过细读和分析康拉德的若干重要作品,深入探讨了其 小说 悲剧 意蕴 表现及意义。

  • Their tragical ideas concentratedly reflected in two sides : the strong love-tragical idea and the vigorously tragical spirit .

    四大传说渗透的 悲剧意识集中体现为浓重的爱情悲剧意识和高扬的悲剧精神两个方面。

  • Because of this wrong choice Pound 's tragical fate was inevitable .

    由于这一错误的选择,庞德的 悲剧性命运无法避免。

  • The western classical tragical conception showed the restrictions of rationalism to tragical spirit .

    西方古典 悲剧观念体现了理性主义对悲剧精神的制约。

  • It is helpful to understand character 's psychology and writer 's tragical consciousness thus profoundly to grasp the artistic characteristic by analyzing the mirror image in Zhang Ailing 's novels .

    解析张爱玲小说中的镜子意象,对于了解张爱玲小说中人物的心理及作家的 悲剧意识,从而深刻地把握张爱玲小说的艺术特征都是有帮助的。

  • Even Mr Clare began to feel tragical at the dairyman 's desperation .

    看见奶牛场老板绝望的样子,就连克莱尔先生也开始感到 悲哀起来。

  • So many larvae die of being worn out when they strive out the word'flying'being their everlasting tragical token .

    太多的幼虫在往外冲杀的时候力竭身亡,不幸成了“飞翔”这个 悲壮祭品。

  • How tragical their fate is !

    的命运是多么 悲惨呀!

  • He 's a futilitarian but not tragical .

    他是个悲观主义者,但不是 悲剧

  • The most tragical sight of all is the very young addict .

    那些非常年青的吸毒者是人们所见到的最 可悲的一幕。

  • The contemporary family novels present their tragical aesthetical pattern in the ways of the hardship of living and desperate experience the fading away of life the showing up of the last savior the cycle of destiny and history and so on .

    当代家族小说的 悲剧性审美 格调是透过生存之苦和绝望体验,灯油耗尽和大限将至,最后一个拯救者出场,命运轮回和历史循环等方式呈现的。

  • We appreciate Thomas Hardy 's unique skills of writing with its profound tragical significance .

    阅读 苔丝 使我们领悟到作者独特的创作技巧的深刻的 悲剧 意味

  • Part II The show of the tragical spirit .


  • Tess 's look had grown hard and worn and her ripe mouth tragical ; but she no longer showed any tremulousness .

    苔丝的脸色变得呆滞憔悴了,红润的嘴唇露出 凄惨的情态;但是再也没有看见她有颤栗的表现。