trade-off relation

[ˈtredˌɔf rɪˈleʃən][ˈtreɪdˌɔ:f riˈleiʃən]

[计] 折衷关系

  • But NOx and PM are diesel chief emissions they are hardly to be reduced at the same time because their trade-off relation .

    然而NOx和PM是柴油机排放中主要污染物,由于它们 之间 矛盾 关系很难同时去除。

  • According to the trade-off theory of capital structure I then construct a simple single-period theoretical model to demonstrate the relation between expected costs of financial distress and default probabilities .

    同时,作者基于资本结构理论中的 权衡理论,构建了一个简要的单期理论模型描述预期财务困境成本与债务违约概率之间的 关系

  • In lean burn condition there is a trade-off relation between NOx and Hydrocarbon emissions leaner combustion will cause Hydrocarbon emission increasing significantly need more exactly control for air / fuel ratio .

    稀燃条件下,可以大大降低NOx排放,但NOx与HC排放之间存在着 trade-off 关系,极稀的空燃比将导致HC的急剧增加,因此需要对HCNG空燃比进行精确控制;

  • The trade-off relation between logistics cost and logistics service has been systemically researched .

    对企业物流成本与物流服务之间的 效益 关系进行了系统的研究。