trade surplus

[treid ˈsɚpləs][treid ˈsə:pləs]


  • China does not need to run a trade surplus with India he says .

    他表示,中国不需要维持对印度的 贸易 盈余

  • Exchange Rate Trade Surplus and Money Supply

    汇率、 贸易 顺差与我国货币供给关系的研究

  • Taiwan has many countries had trade dealings the current trade surplus sustained situation .

    台湾曾对很多国家有过贸易的往来,因此现在的 贸易 出现持续出超的状况。

  • Research on the Relationship between Export Rebate Rate RMB Actual Exchange Rate and the Trade Surplus

    出口退税率、人民币实际汇率和 贸易 顺差关系研究

  • China 's trade surplus jumped in July to its highest level in18 months .

    中国的 贸易 顺差在七月份达到了18个月以来的最高水平。

  • If so the trade surplus should stabilise in coming months .

    如果是这样的话, 贸易 顺差将在下个月趋于稳定。

  • This year our trade surplus is decreasing but our foreign reserve accumulation is increasing .

    今年,我们的 贸易 顺差在不断下降,但外汇储备积累却在增加。

  • This makes the Chinese currency chronically undervalued and assures China of a persistent large trade surplus .

    这使得人民币长期被低估,并确保中国持续获得巨额 贸易 顺差

  • Second Japan 's huge trade surplus is increasingly credited to China .

    第二,日本的巨大的 贸易 顺差日益归功于中国。

  • This increases the price of Chinese exports and reduces the trade surplus .

    这将提高中国出口商品的价格,减少其 贸易 顺差

  • He also said the renminbi exchange rate was close to equilibrium evidenced by the shrinking trade surplus .

    他还表示,人民币汇率正接近均衡水平, 贸易 顺差不断缩减证明了这点。

  • Japan 's annual trade surplus is in the region of 100 billion dollars .

    日本每年的 贸易 差额在1亿美元左右。

  • That has increased the trade surplus .

    这增加了 贸易 顺差

  • He also acknowledged that China 's massive trade surplus was bad for global stability .

    他还承认,中国庞大的 贸易 顺差对全球稳定来说是不利的。

  • The most explosive remains China 's steadily growing trade surplus with America .

    最引人关注的问题莫过于中国对美国一直持续增长的 贸易 顺差了。

  • Strong fiscal position and trade surplus are cushions against a hard landing .

    强大的财政和 贸易 顺差,是“硬着陆”的缓冲垫。

  • A smaller trade surplus would have other international implications including fewer Chinese purchases of US financial assets .

    贸易 顺差的下降在国际上可能还有其它含义,包括中国对美国金融资产购买量的减少。

  • China has also amassed the world 's largest trade surplus and world 's largest foreign exchange reserves .

    此外,中国拥有世界上最大的 贸易 顺差和外汇储备。

  • Its trade surplus with the US is matched by huge deficits with surrounding economies .

    中国对美国的 贸易 顺差,与其对周边经济体的巨额逆差形成对比。

  • The country 's trade surplus widened to 16.5 billion dollars .

    该国的 贸易 顺差增加到165亿美元。

  • China 's large bilateral trade surplus with America proves nothing .

    中国对美国的巨额双边 贸易 顺差证明不了什么。

  • That would mean reducing us and UK trade deficits and increasing the Japanese trade surplus .

    那将意味着美英两国要降低贸易赤字,日本要增加 贸易 盈余

  • Even if China 's currency rose rapidly the bilateral trade surplus would remain high in any case .

    即使人民币迅速升值,双边 贸易 顺差仍将居高不下。

  • Because this will reduce its trade surplus with our country 's mainland .

    因为这将减少来自祖国大陆的 贸易 顺差

  • But China 's trade surplus has continued to rise .

    但中国的 贸易 顺差仍继续上升。

  • China runs a trade surplus in processing trade but a deficit in general trade .

    中国在加工贸易中得到 顺差,但在总贸易中却得到赤字。

  • Policymakers in Washington DC are alarmed by China 's export strength and its ballooning trade surplus .

    华盛顿的决策人士总是看到中国的强势出口和膨胀的 贸易 顺差

  • The only way is to boost domestic demand to cut trade surplus .

    惟一的办法是增加国内需求,从而减少 贸易 顺差

  • Such rapid loan growth would not have been possible without China 's large trade surplus with the US .

    若缺少对美 贸易 顺差,如此快速的贷款增长几乎没有可能。

  • The invisible trade surplus was £ 200 million lower than reported .

    无形 贸易 盈余比报道所称的少2亿英镑。