tracking spot

[ˈtrækɪŋ spɑt][ˈtrækiŋ spɔt]

[电] 跟踪光点

  • According to the requirement of high dynamic and high precision tracking in space laser communication we focus our research on laser spot tracking system . We general design the coarse tracking system and the precise tracking system .

    根据空间激光通信对高动态、高精度 跟踪的要求,对 光斑跟踪系统进行研究,分别对粗跟踪系统和精跟踪系统进行总体设计。

  • A simple method for tracking and display of CO2 laser beam spot

    CO2激光 光斑的简单 跟踪显示方法

  • Via tracking find the contours located the spot images .

    通过 跟踪找出位 图像边缘线。

  • The current data recorder has the ability to step in frequency when the telescope is tracking a spot on the sky .

    当望远镜 跟踪天空中的一个 目标时,目前的数据记录器有能力对频率进行“跨距”记录。

  • Small low-contrast target tracking maneuvering problem in the field of computer vision and image processing is one of the new hot spot and widely used in military weapons guidance industrial production lines medical devices and intelligent transportation and other fields .

    低对比度的机动小目标 跟踪的问题在计算机视觉和图像处理领域研究的新的 热点 之一,并且广泛的应用于军事武器制导、工业生产线、医疗器械和智能交通等多个领域。

  • High precision tracking algorithm for space infrared spot target images

    深空背景条件下红外 斑点目标的高精度 跟踪算法

  • Visual tracking is a hot spot currently in the domain of computer vision .

    视觉 跟踪是当前计算机视觉领域中的研究 热点

  • Furthermore it may examine scientifically the effect of the weather modification work for rain through the radar tracking and observing the radar echo animation demonstration echo strength comparison before and after the work comparison between work spot with non-work spot .

    通过雷达 跟踪观测,雷达回波的动画显示,作业前后的回波强度比较,作业 与非作业点之间的比较,还可以科学检验人工增雨作业的效果。

  • By virtual of Kalman filter a robustness tracking process of each bright spot is realized and vehicle lamps are subtracted exactly according to their motion continuity and shape stability .

    结合卡尔曼滤波实现健壮的亮 帧间 跟踪,并根据亮 的运动连续性和形态稳定性提取车灯目标。

  • The paper is to study multi-multi ballistic missile target recognition and tracking system which is a hot spot in military defense research .

    本文的研究对象是多对多弹道导弹弹系统的识别与 跟踪问题,该领域也是现代军事防御学研究的 热点

  • Moving object detection and tracking remain as the hot spot issue in the field of computer vision . They have been widely used in various fields like intelligent monitoring military hardware autonomous navigation and medical diagnosis .

    运动目标检测和 跟踪一直是计算机视觉领域内研究的 热点问题,它在智能监控,武器装备,自主导航车,医学诊断等众多领域都有广泛的应用。

  • The moving target positioning and tracking technology based on wireless sensor networks has become a hot spot of the present study .

    基于无线传感器网络的移动目标定位和 追踪技术已经成为目前研究的 热点

  • But the arbitrage of stock index futures is not without risk the tracking error of arbitrage spot portfolio the compulsory liquidation the settlement price risk liquidity constraints could effect the arbitrage return .

    但股指期货套利并不是无风险的,套利 现货组合的 跟踪误差、强制平仓、结算价差风险、相关市场流动性的制约等因素都会影响套利效果。

  • Will it be necessary for me to play a Ranger or Druid that has tracking skills or a Rogue that has Spot skills ?

    如果扮演德鲁伊或游荡者的话, 野外生存技能和 侦察技能还有必要麽?

  • The automatic tracking system using image sensor detects the position of the sun changes design imaging body by the principle of pinhole imaging then the sun projection into the spot image can be collected by the image sensor .

    该自动 跟踪系统采用图像传感器检测太阳位置变化,按照小孔成像原理设计一次传感器一成像机构,将太阳投影成可以被图像传感器采集的 光斑图像。

  • Topic detection and tracking has been a hot research spot it has broad application prospects such as monitoring public opinion .

    话题检测与 跟踪(TDT)一直是国内外网络信息处理研究的一个 热点,具有广泛的应用前景。

  • This paper presented a simple method for tracking and display of CO2 laser beam spot by He-Ne laser for various uses .

    本文提出利用He-Ne激光来 跟踪显示CO2激光 光斑的简单方法,以适应多种应用。

  • Video object detection tracking and recognition are always the hot spot in intelligent surveillance pattern recognition and video searching study field . These technologies which closely related to daily life have been widely applied .

    视频检测、 跟踪、识别一直是智能监控、视频检索、模式识别相关领域研究的 热点,这些技术与现代生活密切相关,受到了广泛的应用。

  • BHP Billiton has been pushing steelmakers to move from annual contracts to short-term deals particularly semi-annual and quarterly contracts with prices tracking the nascent spot market for coking coal .

    必和必拓一直在推动钢铁制造商从年度合约转向短期协议,特别是半年度和季度合约,让价格 追随建立不久的炼焦煤 现货市场运行。