trace implementation

[tres ˌɪmplɪmənˈteʃən][treis ˌɪmplɪmənˈteɪ-ʃən]

[计] 追踪实现

  • With Java method trace you can trace the invocations of methods in terms of method entry and method exit on a per-thread basis for any code running on the IBM implementation of the Java runtime .

    可以利用Java方法跟踪来 跟踪每个线程对方法的调用,包括进入方法和退出方法,这种 跟踪针对Java运行时的IBM 实现上运行的任何代码进行。

  • You can generate requirements into code and trace the lifecycle from requirements to design implementation and test .

    您可以将需求整合到代码中,并 追踪从需求到设计到 执行到测试的整个生命周期。

  • Design & Implementation of synthesized trace and the I / o request generator

    合成 Trace及其I/O请求产生器的设计与 实现

  • To read the DB2 trace files you only need to provide the custom implementation that reads the trace file format not the XMI format .

    要读取DB2 跟踪文件,您只需要提供用于读取跟踪文件格式(而不是XML格式)的自定义 实现

  • The Guardian DSA is a security mechanism in QUIPU and this paper is concerned with the method of removing the trace information in the implementation of the Guardian DSA .

    GuardianDSA是在OSI目录服务系统QUIPU中开发的一个安全机制,文中描述了在GuardianDSA 实施中移去 轨迹信息的一个改进方法。

  • Traceability is the ability to trace artifacts through all levels of abstraction from specification to implementation and vice versa .

    追溯性就是在所有抽象层 跟踪的能力,从规范说明到 执行,并且反之亦然。

  • IBM first introduced its trace engine into its implementation of the Java runtime in SDK1.2.2 to help the IBM development team diagnose Java Virtual Machine ( JVM ) defects .

    IBM在 SDK1.2.2中首次在它的Java运行时 实现中引入了 跟踪引擎,帮助IBM开发团队诊断Java虚拟机(JVM)的缺陷。

  • To draw up ICAR upon serious quality problems and trace its implementation .

    根据问题严重程度开具ICAR,并 跟踪 执行 情况

  • An improvement of trace scheduling for global microcode compaction and its implementation

    微代码全局压缩的改进型 路径调度法及其 实现