


  • Inhaled irritants can injure the tracheal lining and increase the chance of infection ( Bacterial or viral ) .

    吸入的刺激物能损害 气管黏膜,增加感染(细菌的或滤过性毒菌的)的机会。

  • Conclusion : It is useful to treat malignant tracheal narrow by stenting .

    结论: 气道支架治疗 气道恶性狭窄是行之有效的。

  • This applies to tracheal tubes and many other things in life !

    这个适用于 气管插管和生活中众多的事情。

  • Sufentanil and Remifentanil in Tracheal Intubation Stress Response Influence

    舒芬太尼、雷米芬太尼对 气管插管应激反应的影响

  • He put in cheek implants and chin implants and he did a tracheal shave and a lower neck and face-lift .

    他还给我的面颊和下巴放入了填充物。他除掉了我的 喉结,并给我做了下颈部和脸部的拉皮。

  • Intramuscular succinylcholine does not provide satisfactory tracheal intubating condition in infants with congenital heart disease .

    肌注琥珀胆碱不能提供有效的肌松作用和 插管条件。

  • Objective To evaluate the effects of pneumoperitoneum on tracheal carina position .

    目的观察不同气腹压力对 气管隆凸位置的影响。

  • Factors and managements for bronchopleural fistula after lung resection Intraoperative Nursing Care in Excision of Tracheal Neoplasms Through Cardiopulmonary Bypass

    肺切除术后支气管胸膜瘘的原因分析和处理体外循环下 气管肿瘤切除术的护理配合

  • Comparison of the Tracheal and Intravenous Lidocaine on Preventing Cardiovascular Response in the Children with General Anesthesia and Tracheal Intubation

    气管 和静脉应用利多卡因预防小儿全麻气管内插管心血管反应的效果比较

  • Inhalation of buccal secretion and retrograde infection from stomach to pharynx to lower tracheal path are the main approach .

    口咽部定殖菌吸入及胃-咽-下 呼吸道逆行感染为其重要感染途径。

  • There is no remarkable difference in cardiovasological changes induced by etomidate and propofol during tracheal intubation .

    而对于 气管插管引起的心血管反应而言依托咪酯和丙泊酚药效相似。

  • No tracheal stenosis occurred except for presence of hoarseness in5 and absence of hoarseness in2 .

    所有 患者 后均未发生 气管狭窄,除2例无声音嘶哑外,余5例均有不同程度声音嘶哑。

  • Through the micro processing the manufacture is similar in Tracheal tissue 's capillary vessel must relatively easy .

    通过微加工,制作类似于 管状组织的毛细管要相对容易些。

  • Arterial hypoxemia and tissue hypoxia maybe induced by tracheal suction .


  • Proliferation of fibroblasts and thickening of collagen fibers in areas of tracheal stenosis were observed by microscopic observations .

    组织学观察显示,实验组动物 气管狭窄部位成纤维细胞增生,胶原纤维增厚。

  • Anaesthesia and Respiratory Control of Tracheal and Bronchial Reconstruction


  • Objective To investigate the value of multislice CT in the diagnosis of tracheal stenosis caused by vascular ring malformation .

    目的探讨多层螺旋CT在由血管环畸形造成 气管狭窄中的诊断价值。

  • Tracheal intubation with ventilator was used for respiratory support on Aug 24 Tracheotomy was done on Aug 27 .

    8月24日应用 气管 插管和呼吸机以支持呼吸功能。8月27日行气管切开术。

  • Finally primary cells from tracheal aspirates behaved in an identical manner as later passage cells .

    最后, 气管抽吸的原代细胞和之后的传代细胞有同样模式。

  • Breakthroughs in bladder and tracheal reconstruction and highly promising approaches for solid organ regeneration as well as musculoskeletal and nerve repair have been achieved .

    膀胱和 气管重建和极具潜力的固体器官再生以及肌肉骨骼和神经修复方法的突破已经实现。

  • Use of a supraglottic airway device may be preferable for rescuers who are not highly skilled in tracheal intubation .

    对于 气管插管技术不十分熟练的救援者来说,采用声门上导气装置可能是更合适的选择。

  • Study on feasibility of naso-intestinal tube guiding tracheal catheter for intubation in patients with non-predicated glottis exposing difficulty

    鼻肠管导引 气管导管在非预测声门暴露困难患者插管中的应用

  • Objective To explore effective therapies for congenital tracheal stenosis of the thoracic part in children .

    目的探讨小儿先天性胸段 气管狭窄的有效治疗方法。

  • The clinical data of10 cases of primary tracheal neoplasms were analyzed to find out the cause of misdiagnosis .

    报告10例原发性 气管肿瘤的临床资料,通过对典型病例的分析,找出误诊的原因。

  • Objective To discuss the clinical application of internal stent in tracheal stenosis .

    目的探讨 气管支架置入术治疗恶性 气管狭窄的方法 疗效。

  • Effect of early tracheal cannula on early complications of patients with hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage

    早期 气管插管对高血压性脑出血患者早期并发症的影响

  • A seven-centimetre tracheal segment was donated by a51-year-old transplant donor who had died of cerebral haemorrhage .

    一位死于脑出血的51岁的移植供者捐献了一段七厘米长的 气管节段。

  • Objective To observe the safety and feasibility of tracheal intubation by target-controlled infusion of propofol and remifentanil without muscle relaxant in children .

    目的探讨丙泊酚和瑞芬太尼联合靶控输注用于儿童无肌松 气管插管的有效性和安全性。

  • Conclusion : Tracheal stent implantation is simple and effective for the tracheal stenosis patients induced by tumor .

    结论: 气管支架置入治疗由肿瘤引起的气管狭窄,方法简便易行,近期疗效好。

  • Effects of self-made carina type tracheal prosthesis on survival period and healing of anastomotic stoma in dogs

    自制分叉型 人工 气管重建犬气管及隆突对犬生存期及吻合口愈合的影响