


  • Histological analysis showed active bone cell differentiation proliferation increased bone trabecula .

    组织学分析显示:骨组织呈活跃增殖分化相,骨 梁增加,骨 基质

  • Conclusions X-ray change of pelvis and bony trabecula are selected as reliable index for diagnosis of sclerotic fluorosis .

    结论X线骨盆及其骨 改变分别是氟骨症检查的首选 部位和可靠指标。

  • Inhibitory effect of various biopolymer materials on scar formation following trabecula resection The mud volume estimated is based on80 % of efficiency of solids control equipment behavior .

    不同高分子生物材料抑制 切除后瘢痕的形成按固控设备清除效率80%算本井的泥浆材料消耗量。

  • Sub-cartilage bone trabecula became thinning number decreased succession degraded discus of bone trabecula stragglingly distributed .

    软骨下骨 变细数,数目减少,连续性降低,骨小梁板分布离散。

  • All kinds of tissue samples of bone trabecula centrum lesion have distinctive in Imageology Histopathology and 3-D reconstruction .

    病变椎体各组织样本的影像学、病理学和骨 梁三维 结构具有特征性。

  • The study of apoptosis in trabecula cells in normal and angle closure glaucoma

    正常人及闭角型青光眼患者 细胞凋亡 细胞学研究

  • Electronic microscope test : normal bone structure : internal and outer osseous lamella bone trabecula in the marrow cavity ; after being seethed for 30 minutes : internal and outer osseous lamella and bone trabecula still existed ;

    电镜检查:正常骨结构:内外骨板和骨髓腔内的骨 :煮沸30分钟后 可见:内外骨板和骨小梁依然存在;

  • Cortex bone and bone trabecula was normal at the beginning .

    骨组织 检查 显示:实验开始时, 青年 鸡皮质骨、骨 梁正常

  • It provides clinic with abundant diagnostic information such as fine soft tissue display clear bone trabecula structure .

    为临床提供了更为丰富的诊断信息,例如良好的软组织显示,清晰的骨 结构。

  • From the20th d its expression began to decrease rapidly and it was mainly localized in the osteoblasts around bone trabecula in lengthened bone segments .

    以后细胞阳性表达率迅速下降,定位于延长区骨 边缘的成骨细胞。

  • Pathological study of CHTF filled with cancellous bone showed new cartillage and bone trabecula after 6 weeks of operation .

    CHTF内充填松质骨组术后6周组织学切片观察示新生软骨、骨 存在,术后12周新骨生成明显、层状堆积,原植入骨坏死;

  • Preparation of ultrafine chained CaCO 3 particles The bone trabecula was sparse and thin on the left side .

    链锁形超细碳酸钙的制备左侧骨 梁稀疏细。

  • Blurred bone trabecula and ground glass changes in bone marrow were found in 3 of 11 cases .

    3例骨 模糊,病骨呈磨玻璃 改变;

  • The essence of osteonecrosis of femoral head is the existing necrosis of bone trabecula and morrow tissue .

    在股骨头内,出现不同程度的骨 及骨髓组织坏死,是股骨头坏死的本质特征。

  • Correlation of Whether the Trabecula Was Excised or Not in Glaucoma Surgery to Intraocular Pressure

    青光眼手术中切除 与眼压的关系

  • Results It showed extensive resorption of the trabecula horizontally and vertically manifested as thinning and broken of the trabecula which resulted in widening the intertrabecula space .

    结果疏松组骨小 不论水平方向与垂直方向均有吸收,表现为小梁数目的减少、变细、变尖和断裂。

  • The morphological characteristics are as follows : the distribution of trabecula bone necrosis was focal ;

    其形态特点是: 骨坏死呈灶状分布;

  • Conclusion : Non-penetrating trabecula resection can decrease the eye pressure in control .

    结论:非穿透性 切除术能安全、有效地降低眼压,是治疗开角性青光眼有效的手术方法。

  • After the treatment angle of anterior chamber was observed by histopathologic method and trabecula matrix was analysized by immunohistochemistry and image analysis system .

    处理后,采用组织病理学观察兔眼前房角组织结构变化,免疫组化(SP法)及图像分析观察 基质的变化。

  • Objective To discuss the curative effect of adjustable sclera suture on trabecula resection and prevention of complication .

    目的探讨可调整巩膜缝线对 切除术的效果及防止并发症的意义。

  • The parenchyma in which obvious trabecula wasn t found was chiefly composed of lymphoid tissue and blood sinuses .

    实质主要由淋巴组织和血窦构成,可分为 中央区及外周区。

  • The compact structure of bone trabecula beneath the sus-tentaculum talus progresses to the inferior part of the posterior calcaneal facet .

    载距突中关节面下方的骨 结构致密,并且与跟骨后关节面下方的致密骨 梁相 连续

  • The late stage of 12 hip joints with 8 irregular bone trabecula high density change .

    晚期改变:共12髋,其中8髋 变区 涉及 骨头的 1/2 以上 密度增高且不规则。

  • The bone trabecula was sparse and thin on the left side .

    左侧骨 梁稀疏细。

  • The ratio of bone trabecula and marrow cavity width approached to normal value as compared with the model group ;

    与髓腔的宽度比值, 艾灸 二醇组较模型组接近正常;

  • Clinical Observation of Adjustable Sclera Suture on Trabecula Resection

    可调整巩膜缝线在 切除术中的临床观察

  • Analysis on 45 cases of Ultrasonic Emulsification united Micro Trabecula Resection in Episcleral Space Self-sealing sclera tunnel incision for silicone oil removal

    超声乳化术联合巩膜隧道内显微 切除45例分析自闭式巩膜隧道切口在有晶状体眼硅油取出术中的应用观察

  • In weeks 8 ~ 16 after operation the new bones was formed continuously the artificial bone was gradually rebuilt to mature lamellar bone bone trabecula and medullary cavity .

    8~16周新骨继续生成,人工骨逐渐改建为成熟的板层骨、骨 和髓腔结构。

  • Effects of soy isoflavones on the trabecula of lumbar and tibial epiphyseal extremity in bilateral castrated male rats

    大豆异黄酮对去势雄性大鼠腰椎和胫骨骺端 变化的影响