training time

[ˈtrenɪŋ taɪm][ˈtreiniŋ taim]


  • Moreover active scopes of experimental group increased obviously compared to the control group along with age enlargement and longer training time .

    随着年龄的增大, 训练 时间增长,年龄大的幼儿关节角度变化幅度实验组比对照组明显增加。

  • This instrument facilitates the real time test of missile launch and control system on wartime or training time .

    导弹发控系统性能测试仪的研制,为部队 战时训练现场实时测试导弹发控系统的主要性能提供了方便。

  • In the Marine Corps I spent a lot of training time in the ocean .

    在海军陆战队中,我花了许多 时间在大海中 受训。慢慢的,我的恐惧转变成敬畏,我也能经历大海的欢乐了。

  • In addition since the use of many years the operator of the machine has long been understood that in the operation use and maintenance of the training time is short quick .

    另外,由于多年使用,操作者对机床的特性早已了解,在操作使用和维修方面 培训 时间短,见效快。

  • What we want is the equal training time like all the other students .

    我们想要的仅仅是和其他人一样平等的 训练 时间

  • Spring is planting season for the sows and training time for the boars .

    春季,对于母猪来说是播种季节,对于公猪则是 练兵 时节

  • The threshold quantity to fuzzy control rulers can efficiently decrease the training time of network .

    模糊规则阈值的引入,有效地减少了网络的 训练 时间

  • The basic condition training experience and special training time in each week were investigated .

    调查基本情况、训练年限及每周的专项 训练 时间

  • Compared with the traditional LVQ algorithms it has not only shorter training time but also higher recognition accuracy .

    与传统LVQ算法相比,不仅缩短 训练 时间,而且具有较高的识别率.实验结果表明改进算法可用来解决大规模的模式识别问题。

  • During my15 years of racing in the sport of triathlons I searched for those few golden tools that would allow me to maximize my training time and come up with the race results I envisioned .

    在15年铁人三项的比赛生涯中,我一直在寻找各种可以帮助我提高 训练 成绩和取得预期比赛结果的神秘武器。

  • With ColdFusion MX you can build and deploy powerful Web applications and Web services with far less training time and fewer lines of code than ASP PHP and JSP .

    有了ColdFusionMX,您就可以构建和部署功能强大的Web应用程序和Web服务,所需的 培训 时间和代码行远远不及ASP、PHP和JSP的多。

  • Most of my training time was taken placed by other things .

    其他的一些事情占据了大多数的我的 训练 时间

  • The most highfrequency of theoretical training and skills training time is once a month .

    理论和操作 培训 时间以每月一次出现频次最高。

  • The training plan contains training courses training teachers training objects training time training place expense budget etc.

    培训计划的内容包括培训课程、培训教师、培训对象、 培训 时间、培训地点、费用预算等。

  • The global search ability of GA covers the shortage of BP network and save the training time .

    遗传算法的全局搜索能力弥补了BP算法的不足,使BP网络能跳出局部极值,而且缩短了网络的 训练 时间

  • When managing a semi-professional club it 's a good idea to try and tie down key players to full-time contracts to maximise their training time .

    当执教半职业俱乐部 ,把球员合同签成全职合同以增加 训练,会是一个好主意。

  • ANN adopts RBF network that reduces training time and improves diagnosis ability .

    ANN采用RBF网络,提高了 训练 速度和诊断能力;

  • 2 Langfang middle school coaches to technology and tactical training time opposite less on the athletes ' mental training enough attention .

    廊坊市中学教练员对技术和战术 训练 时间相对较少,对运动员的心理训练不够重视。

  • Changes of Functional Indexes of Elite Women Rowers in Training Time

    优秀女子赛艇运动员 训练 期间的机能指标变化

  • The experimental results show that Newton-LSSVM can reduce the training time greatly but do not decrease the generating ability of LSSVM .

    实验结果表明,该方法在大幅度减少LSSVM算法的 训练 时间开销的同时,能够获得与采用传统优化方式求解LSSVM优化问题一样的泛化能力。

  • Diagnostic results show that it has those merits of shorter training time and higher right diagnostic level compared to general fuzzy neural networks .

    使用该网络对旋转机械常见故障进行诊断,结果表明,和一般模糊神经网络相比,该网络具有 训练 时间短而诊断率高的特点。

  • This change came to decline after 4 months because of short period of training time .

    4个月以后这种变化有下降趋势,可能是 训练 时间短, 认知训练深度不够所致。

  • Comply with the regulations training time system uptime the variability of resultsdata management is the majority HPLC user concerns .

    遵从法规、 培训 时间、系统可正常运行时间、结果的变异性和数据管理是多数HPLC用户关心的问题。

  • The results show that after data processing the training time is reduced and the forecasting precision is enhanced .

    结果表明,经该方法处理后的数据输入神经网络不仅减少了输入数据量,使 训练 时间减少,运算速度提高,而且预测精度有了明显的改善。

  • And I need training time to improve my flight skill .

    所以,我们还需要提高自己的技能,这需要 训练 时间

  • The range speed and training time can be controlled and monitored .

    训练速度、角度以及 时间,均可自动控制和监视。

  • The December draft requires that for this type of agreement to be enforceable there must be a minimum training time of one month and it must be full-time off-the-job training .

    12月份的劳动法草案要求,要使这种协议能够强制执行,企业必须提供 最少1个月的 培训,而且必须是专职脱产培训。

  • The new algorithm reduces complexity and training time .

    新算法将传统的支持向量回归问题中的二次优化问题改进为线性规划问题,这一改进大大降低了求解的复杂度,其 训练 时间 了至少一个数量级以上。