transient loading

[ˈtrænʃənt ˈlodɪŋ][ˈtrænziənt ˈləʊdɪŋ]

[计] 瞬态负载

  • This loading as a primary stress loading is directly related to the bolt fatigue life and transient loading spectrum for vessel analysis .

    同时指出螺栓载荷作为产生一次应力的载荷,直接关系到螺栓的疲劳性能和容器分析 需用 载荷谱。

  • The software ANSYS / LY-DYNA has been employed to analyze transient dynamic response of a thin-walled conical shell subjected to a cosine pulse loading . As a result Von-mises stress fields of this shell at different time moments are obtained to test its dynamic strength .

    运用有限元分析软件ANSYS/LS-DYNA对在余弦脉冲 载荷 作用下某圆锥薄壳体的 瞬态动力响应过程进行分析,得出了不同时刻下壳体等效应力场的分布,考察了该壳体结构的动强度性能。

  • A high precision direct integration scheme for flying bodies subjected to transient dynamic loading

    飞行物体受 瞬态 荷载 作用的精细逐步积分

  • It expounds that the key of solving thermal transient sealing problem is to obtain the thermal increment of stud-bolt loading .

    阐明了热 瞬态密封问题求解的关键是给出螺栓 载荷的热态增量;

  • Before the experiments to the transient responses of conical shells under impulsive loading the effect of many factors on the experimental results should be considered while the pulse shape on the conical shells is one of the important factors .

    在进行锥壳结构 瞬态响应试验之前,需要考虑各种因素对试验结果的影响。而所要施加的脉冲 载荷形状是要考虑的重要因素之一。

  • Finally steady noise of the XXX ship with outfitting and without outfitting is predicted and the peak value of cabin transient noise for the ship under a certain impact loading is predicted .

    最后分别对XXX舰船稳态噪声、受到某冲击 载荷下的典型舱室 瞬态噪声进行了预报。

  • Transient Beam Loading Problem in Constant Gradient Accelerator Structure

    等梯度加速结构 瞬时束流 负载效应的计算

  • Using eason 's method to study the transient response of an elastic half space under impulsive loading with static rigid distribution

    用Eason方法分析静刚性分布脉冲 载荷下弹性半空间的 瞬态响应

  • Computation of dynamic stress intensity factors under transient loading

    某些 瞬态 载荷下的动态应力强度因子的计算

  • In addition in the conditions of natural disasters accidents terrorist attacks or war road may be attacked by the transient loading which is much larger than the considered design loading such as impact loading or high stress wave effect .

    此外,在自然灾害、意外事故、恐怖袭击或战争等非常条件下,路面则可能受到较设计考虑大得多的荷载的 瞬时 作用,即冲击荷载或高应力波的作用。

  • In this paper the transient response of an elastic half space subjected to impulsive loading is studied .

    本文研究脉冲 载荷下弹性半空间的 瞬态响应。

  • And then the response of a pile under transient loading is presented by means of the discrete Fourier inverse transform .

    通过离散Fourier反变换,得到了 冲击 荷载 作用下桩身的动力响应。

  • Research on reactor dynamic analysis under seismic and LOCA conditions has been fulfilled . It includes transient discharging loading analysis for reactor and steam generator under LOCA condition dynamic response analysis for reactor structures and dynamic response analysis and evaluation for fuel assembly structures .

    对核反应堆在地震和失水事故下结构动力分析开展了研究,包括反应堆和蒸汽发生器在失水事故下的 瞬态 载荷分析研究、反应堆结构动力响应分析研究和燃料组件动力响应分析评定研究。

  • In this paper the transient response of the dynamic-tear-test specimens under impact loading is analyzed by means of dynamic photoelasticity .

    本文用动光弹方法分析了动态张开型试件在冲击 载荷作用下的 瞬态反应。

  • Focusing on the stability of the submarine pipelines the paper analyzed the transient liquefaction area and the max depth of liquefaction under the wave loading .

    针对海底管线稳定性问题这一具体实例,分析了波浪 作用下海底管线下方砂质土体的 瞬时液化区域及最大液化深度。

  • The automobile engine is usually worked under non steady state of transient operating conditions i.e.starting warming suddenly loading and unloading .

    汽车发动机经常在非稳态的 过渡工况下工作,即启动、暖机、突 和突减工况。

  • The transient effective shear-strength theory characterizing the strength change behavior of saturated sand under cyclic loading is presented in this paper .

    本文给出了一个适用于表征饱和砂土在往返 荷载下强度变化特性的 瞬态有效抗剪强度理论。

  • With 3-D transient finite element analysis the dynamic stress intensity factor histories under different loading rates were obtained and the dynamic fracture toughnesses were determined by fracture initiation time .

    结合有限元三维 动态模拟,得到了不同 加载速率下试样动态应力强度因子的时间历程并由实测的起裂时间确定材料动态断裂韧性。

  • Transient dynamic response of the wind turbine structure and foundation under separate dynamic loading such as wind load wave load and seism load is analyzed .

    进一步计算分析了风机基础结构在风 荷载、波浪荷载和地震荷载单独 作用下的 瞬态动力反应。

  • Following Fl ü gge 's exact derivation for the buckling of cylindrical shells the equations of motion for transient dynamic loading of orthotropic cylindrical shells subjected to hydrostatic pressure were formulated .

    从Fl櫣 gge关于圆柱壳的失稳方程出发,推导了正交各向异性圆柱壳在静水压力作用下,受到单位冲量 作用的运动方程。

  • Has carried on around the plexiglass model damage transient state dynamics loading test in the laboratory through to power acceleration signal gathering and the analysis has confirmed the rigid tie bar arched bridge suspension bar damage recognition examination method feasibility which this paper studies .

    在实验室进行了有机玻璃模型损伤前后的 瞬态动力学 加载试验,通过对动力加速度信号的采集与分析,验证了本文所研究的刚性系杆拱桥吊杆损伤识别检测方法的可行性。

  • Based on the wave equation in unsaturated soil the dynamic response of a pile under transient torsional loading was theoretically investigated .

    基于己建立的非饱和土中的波动方程,研究了 瞬间扭转 荷载 作用下桩的动力响应问题。

  • This Paper discusses the Wilson - θ integration procedure to analyse the transient dynamic response of the complicated structure and its implementation on microcomputer . A high precision direct integration scheme for flying bodies subjected to transient dynamic loading

    在微型机上实施积分法分析组合结构瞬态动响应的关键是形成、管理有效刚度阵及每一瞬时的 荷载 向量。飞行物体受 瞬态 荷载 作用的精细逐步积分

  • Research on transient vibration under input of harmonic loading

    简谐 荷载 作用伴生自由振动的研究

  • Study on transient effective shear-strength of saturated sand under cyclic loading

    往返 荷载下饱和砂土 瞬态有效抗剪强度的研究

  • It indicates that due to the infection of transient temperature field the change of the bolt loading is behind that of the gasket which increases along with the rises of inner layer temperature .

    研究表明由于 瞬态温度场的影响,螺栓 载荷变化滞后于垫片 载荷的变化并且滞后程度随着内壁温度的升高而增加;

  • The Transient Dynamic Response of Submerged Ring-Stiffened Cylindrical Shells under Radial Impact Loading

    流场中环肋柱壳受径向 冲量 作用 动力响应

  • Considering the effects of coupling mass the transient dynamic response of a cylindrical lining structure subjected to sudden internal uniform loading is studied .

    考虑耦合质量项的影响,对饱和 地基中圆柱形 衬砌结构的 瞬态响应问题进行了研究。

  • Dynamic current monitor reflects transient loading current instantly to judge the faulty parts of mobile circuit board easily .

    动态电流监测器能 瞬时反映出 负载状态,更容易判断手机板的故障部份。