


  • Issues concerning agriculture countryside & farmers is a universal phenomena in the change prosess from traditional society to modern society of which the key content is the difference of the right of subsistence and development between farmers and townsman become more and more large .

    三农问题是传统社会向现代社会转变过程中的普遍现象,其核心是农民的生存权和发展权与 城市 居民的差距越来越大。

  • ( Brit ; informal ) townsman unacquainted with country life especially a slick and flashy male city dweller .

    英;非正式;不了解乡村生活(尤指华而不实而又 浮夸的男性)的城镇居民。

  • He dreamed of becoming a townsman .

    他梦想着成为一名 城里

  • It can be compared with classmates and comrades-in-arms is the fellow townsman .

    可以与同学和战友相提并论的是 同乡

  • With the improvement of material life spirit life and health demand of townsman has become momentum of leisure sports sustainable development .

    物质生活水平提高后, 城市 居民的精神生活及健康需求成为休闲健身运动可持续发展的动力;

  • To-day the road all runners come shoulder-high we bring you home and set you at your threshold down townsman of a stiller town .

    今天,人们又聚集在一起我们把你抬在肩上为你送行,轻轻放你 归于尘土,小镇为你 肃穆宁静。

  • The wet market is a kind of city retailing and is an important component of the community commerce in the city which is related closely with the daily life of the townsman .

    农贸市场是城市零售业态的一种,是城市社区商业的重要组成部分,与 城市 居民的日常生活息息相关。

  • Rees was a highly self-respected townsman who never by any chance met anyone 's eyes .


  • The floating farmer worker is not very good as the townsman in matter side but the urban life makes them have urban life style behavioural manner value notion which makes them have more traits of urban person than the urban counterparts .

    农民工 虽然在物质 条件 不如 城市 居民,但在 精神方面,城市生活使他们获得了城市的生活方式、行为方式、价值观念,这些使他们在这些方面更具有城市人的品质。

  • The Researches on Townsman Community Participation Behavior and Its Method of Chengdu City

    成都市 居民社区参与行为及其方法研究

  • Standard of safeguard of townsman lowest life is become by basis of government of each district people the ground is basic charge of necessaries of life and finance bear ability proper motion is affirmatory .

    城市 居民最低生活保障标准由各地人民政府根据当地基本生活必需品费用和财政承受能力自行确定。

  • Before long comes the painter Meng Qingxin from Tiehuan art zone . He 's my fellow townsman from Heilongjiang .

    稍后又来了一个环铁艺术区的画家孟庆欣,他是我黑龙江的 老乡

  • As a essential part of urban greenbelts urban square is one of the most important stages of townsman .

    城市广场是城市绿地的重要组成部分,是 城市 居民重要的 活动场所之一。

  • ENGLISH TO CHINESE : It is impossible to take a walk in the country with an average townsman – especially perhaps in April or May – without being amazed at the vast continent of his ignorance .

    当我们和一个 城里 一同走在乡村路上时,我们一定会为他忽略的大片陆地而感到惊奇。

  • The Relation between College Student 's Physical Exercise Awareness and Townsman 's Physical Activity

    高校学生健身运动意识与 城市 居民健身关系

  • It behooves him well if he be still in life responded the townsman .

    要是他还活着,是该由他来办的,那 附和

  • The result shows that proportion of sports population of townsman in minority region of Hubei Province is 21.35 % ;

    结果表明: 居民体育人口比例为 2135%

  • To develop the market and advance the townsman 's sport requirement the key is accelerating and perfecting the economic system reform .

    加速和完善经济体制改革是发展市场化程度、提高 居民体育需求的根本 前提

  • A Study on the Relationship between China 's Market-orientation Developments and the Townsman 's Sport Requirement

    中国市场化发展与城市 居民体育需求的关系研究

  • Private cars can meet the townsman 's demand of more frequent egressions larger extents of egression and higher egression quality with the result of benefit convenience and comfort to the townsman .

    小汽车满足了城市 居民出行增多、出行范围扩大,并且要求出行质量提高的需要,给城市居民带来了便利、快捷和舒适。

  • Unemployed insurance and system of safeguard of townsman lowest life coordinate each other .

    失业保险与 城市 居民最低生活保障制度是相互配合的。

  • Water distribution systems are the lifeline of a city which concern the townsman life and the city economy .

    城市供水系统是城市的命脉,它 不仅 直接关系到 城市 居民的生活 质量,而且 极大地影响城市的经济发展。

  • My gifted townsman stood gloomily apart with folded arms and I could have wished that his curls and forehead had been more probable .

    我那位有天才的 同乡忧郁地站在旁边,交叉着双臂,我看他的鬈发和额角真该化妆得像一些才是。

  • Nonmaterial culture consists of laws about city circumstance the traditional conception and the psychology on taste of art of townsman the spirit of a city the civilization makings of townsman and so on .

    非物质文化表现为城市环境法规、 城市 居民的传统观念、城市 居民的审美心理、城市的精神和城市居民文明素质等。