


  • In this paper the scheme that the trackless tramcar is used in railway tunnel engineering is put forward and some key technical problems are analyzed . It is of actual significance to solving the pollution problem of trackless transport in tunnel .

    提出了用无 电力 运输 作为铁路隧道施工 运输设备的方案,并对其中的关键技术问题进行了分析和阐述,对解决隧道无轨运输污染问题具有较大的实际意义。

  • Development of Tramcar in Poland


  • In order to improve the crashworthiness of tramcar and LRV the crashworthy structure of car-body is developed and the verification by test is made .

    为提高 电车和轻轨车辆的防碰撞性,研制了防碰撞的车体结构,并进行了试验验证。

  • Principle of the high pressure water jet combined with machinery cutter cleaning adhesion tramcar device is narrated . The structure technical parameter and the experimental effect of this newly-developed cleaning device are analyzed .

    介绍高压水射流联合机械截齿清理粘 矿车装置的工作原理,说明了新研制的清理装置的结构、技术参数及试验效果。

  • Girl : While I was going downtown on the tramcar this morning the conductor came along and looked at me as if I hadn 't paid my fare .

    女孩:今天早上我坐 电车到市中心是,售票员走过来并注视着我,好像我没有付车钱一样。

  • Research of Trackless Tramcar for Railway Tunnel

    铁路隧道无 电力 运输 研究

  • Simulation of Tramcar Transportation System in Main Mine Roadway

    矿井大巷 矿车运输系统模拟

  • The tramcar connection device strength testing system of the electro-hydraulic control mode is pertinence also has the universal significance .

    这种 矿车连接装置强度检测系统的电液控制方式既针对性强,又具有普遍的意义。

  • Study on the Dynamic Characters of Motorcycle s Man-machine Rigid-flexible Coupling System ; The Design and Performance Reach on Energy-absorbing Equipment for Tramcar Arresting Gear

    摩托车人&机系统刚柔耦合动态特性研究柔性 斜井 跑车 防护系统吸能装置的设计与研究

  • Marks for urban public transport & Stop board of bus and trolleybus and tramcar station indicator

    GB/T5845.11-1986城市公共交通标志公共汽车、无轨电车、 电车站牌

  • Analysis of Movement Response of Tramcar Impacting on Safety Barrier in Inclined Tunnel

    倾斜 矿车冲击 挡车栏的运动响应分析

  • Design for Hydraulic System of KZC-5 Underground Self-Discharge Tramcar


  • This paper discusses hardware design scheme and software implementation process of intelligent detection system of tramcar power grid in detail .

    本文详细讨论了 电车电网的智能监控系统的硬件设计方案和软件实现过程。

  • Design of Tramcar Speed Measuring and Record-Analyzing Instrument

    轨道 矿车速度测量记录分析仪的设计

  • Secondly based on the queue theory and probability theory by studying dispatching conducting and tramcar locating the dispatching arithmetic adapted to the technical conditions on the spot was worked out and the corresponding computer program was compiled .

    然后分别利用排队论、概率论分析研究调度指挥和 矿车 对位 个子 系统,确定了适应现场技术条件的调度算法,编制了相应的计算机程序;

  • The Crashworthiness of Tramcar and LRV

    汽车传感器(连载二)光敏传感器 一) 电车和轻轨车辆的 碰撞性

  • It is the gas that drives the exciter and accomplishes sympathetic vibration to make stickup layer break off then achieve the goal of clear for tramcar .

    以气体自激振动原理,设计了一种激振器,利用气源驱动激振器使矿车达到共振,从而使附着在 矿车底部的黏底层自行脱落,达到清 的目的。

  • On the Application and Adaptability of Modern Tramcar

    现代 电车应用 模式地区适用性研究

  • Finally this article analyzes the output parameters from the simulation process which consist of the quantity of facility the efficiency of tramcar utilizing the time of trouble maintenance and so on that directly influence the transportation capacity in the intermediate entry .

    对模拟过程中输出的参数进行 决策分析。在输出的参数中有设备的数量、 矿车利用率以及运行故障维修时间等直接影响中段运输能力的各种因素。

  • ` tram ' and ` tramcar ' are British terms .

    '有轨电车'和' 电车'是英国的术语。

  • In light of the fact that there are occasionally tramcar accidents in incline transport in mining a CMOS chip-based digital detection and intelligent anti-skid system is developed .

    针对采矿斜 运输中偶尔发生 矿车 跑车事故的实际问题,研制出了一种基于CMOS芯片的数字检测、智能防跑系统。

  • The first double deckers tramcar was introduced in1912 as a response to the increasing demand the upper deck and the one-third of the lower decker was first class .

    随著客量日益增长,双层 电车于一九一二年投入服务,上层及三分之一的下层 车厢划分为头等。

  • Development of High Pressure Water Jet Combined with Machinery Cutter Cleaning Adhesion Tramcar Device

    高压水射流联合机械截齿清理粘 矿车装置的研制

  • Tramcar connect device is an important safety feature its quality performance and use situation of transport safety relates to mine .


  • Coupled vibration of hoisting rope during tramcar pushing into or out cage in winding hoist system Study on the Concave-shaped Semicircular Beam of Pre-stressed Steel Wire-wound Frame

    缠绕提升 矿车进出罐笼过程钢丝绳耦合振动行为预应力钢丝缠绕机架内凹型梁的研究

  • The paper probes how to determine hydraulic system of KZC-5 underground self-discharge tramcar discusses selecting principle and method for steering and hydraulic system which prove reasonable by industrial test .

    探讨了 KZC-5型矿山地下自卸车液压系统确定,论述了转向和工作液压系统选定的原则和方法,工业试验证明这两个主要液压系统选择合理。

  • Optimization Design and Management Study to the Tramcar Yard on the Sub-Shaft Mouth

    副立井井口 车场优化设计及控制研究

  • Design of Monocular Vision Based Anti-collision Warning System for the Tramcar

    基于单目视觉的矿井 机车 防撞预警系统设计

  • Modern Tramcar and Urban Construction

    现代 电车与城市建设