trans influence


  • Observation on Rate of Remission in 68 Cases of Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia Treated with All - trans - retinoic Acid Concerted with TCM Therapy Study on Influence of All-trans-retinoic acid on Expression of Different Glycosyltransferase Gene Families in SHI-1 Cells

    维甲酸并中医药治疗急性早幼粒细胞性白血病68例临床观察全 式维甲酸对SHI-1细胞株糖基转移酶表达的 影响

  • On the basis of analysing transformer 's static economic loading and fully considering the trans former energy losses under the influence of dynamic loads the transformer loading of optimal overall efficiency is in a dynamic condition .

    在研究分析变压器静态经济负载率的基础上,充分考虑动态负荷对 变压器电能损耗的 影响,求出变压器在动态工作条件下综合效率最高的负载率。