transaction flow

[trænˈsækʃən flo][trænˈzækʃən fləu]


  • After analyzing the supply organization management architecture and the transaction flow of material dispatching for Longtan hydropower project the information work flow of such distributed material dispatching information system is proposed which has referenced significance for similar large scale material dispatching system .

    以龙滩水电工程物资调运为背景,在分析其供应组织管理体系和 业务 流程的基础上,提出了该类分布式物资调运指挥系统的信息工作流程,对类似大型物资调运指挥系统的构造具有借鉴意义。

  • This article discusses the security of a PKI-based electronic payment application of the model . Particularly analyzed electronic payment transaction flows and produced each transaction stage flow chart .

    本文讨论了一种基于PKI的安全电子支付模型的应用研究,详细分析了电子支付的交易流程,给出了每个 交易阶段的 流程图。

  • In the part of system analysis the thesis focused on how to describe the destination organization structure transaction flow and data flow .

    论文重点介绍了系统的分析、设计和实现。分析部分对系统的目标、组织结构、 业务 流程及数据流程进行了分析描述。

  • According to the function structure the business process of each module in this system is further described in detail . Moreover the business process analysis is made by drawing Transaction Flow Diagram . 4 .

    通过功能结构,进一步对系统的各个模块的业务流程进行详细介绍,并通过 业务 流程图的绘制来进行业务流程分析。

  • Determines the security mechanism being used : either reliable messaging capability or transaction context flow settings .

    确定要使用的安全机制:可靠消息传递功能或 事务上下 文流设置。

  • And based on the C # technology on the system structure and the logical structure of concrete analysis and elaborate design transaction flow diagram use case diagram sequence diagram E-R diagram analysis of the system development and application of process point .

    并且基于C技术对系统的体系结构及逻辑架构进行具体分析和阐述,设计了 业务 流程图、用例图、时序图、E-R关系图,分析了系统开发及应用过程中的难点所在。

  • The control right and the separation between control right and cash flow right present a notable positive correlation with related-party transaction but the cash flow right presents an opposite correlation .

    终极控股股东的控制权和两权分离度与关联 交易呈显著正相关, 现金流权和关联 交易呈显著负相关。

  • You can find an extreme version of Coca-Cola capitalism on Wall Street where brokers do not manage any kind production or distribution infrastructure but instead make money off transaction fees as commodities flow from one buyer to another .

    在华尔街,你可以见到可口可乐资本主义的一个极端案例:股票经纪人从不管理任何生产或分销基础设施,而是通过商品在买家中的 流通赚取 交易费。

  • As a structurized credit derivative product collateralized debt obligation is very complex in structure and Transaction flow exploring its pricing method have become one of numerous scholars ' matters concerning .

    债务抵押债券作为结构化信用衍生产品,由于结构和 交易 流程的复杂性,探索其定价方法已经成为众多学者关注的问题之一。

  • WorkFlow is the automation of transaction process and transaction flow can be processed automatically according to the established rule .

    工作流(WorkFlow)是业务过程的自动化,使 业务 流程依照既定的规则自动地 流动起来。

  • This system was divided into two parts the front system and the back-office system . It took the database as the core . The overall system revolved the reservation business transaction flow to design .

    该系统分为前台操作和后台处理,以数据库为核心,整个系统围绕订票 交易 流程而设计。

  • Also after describing the WS-Atomic Transactions This paper explores how it works in the MIS and analyzes the transaction flow behind the scenes .

    在事务方面主要提出成教管理信息系统原子事务的需求,给出具体的实现方案,并且分析了幕后的先行课设置原子 事务 流程

  • This section discusses the subjects of the transaction the transaction flow object the form of transfer of the transaction price transaction management and other issues .

    本部分 对流转交易主体、 流转 交易客体、流转交易形式与价格、交易管理等问题进行阐述。

  • Grounded on practical JETCOS this paper explicates the security of financial IC card in transaction flow and applied progress .

    结合实践的JETCOS智能卡操作系统分析了金融智能卡COS在 交易 流程和应用过程中的安全性。

  • But the global cache interactions are not integrated with the message flow transaction so if a message flow rolls back after some data has been put into the cache the data will not be removed .

    但全局缓存交互没有与消息流 事务集成,所以如果一个消息 在将一些数据放入缓存中后回滚,那么不会删除该数据。

  • The good social capital can train interpersonal mutual trust reduce the transaction cost accelerate the flow of information and knowledge and improve innovation ability .

    良好的社会资本可以培养人与人之间的相互信任,降低 交易成本,加速信息和知识的 流动,提高创新能力。

  • In the listing above the attribute TransactionFlow ( TransactionFlowOption . Mandatory ) w_60 is used to specify the transaction flow policy for a service operation .

    在上面的清单中,使用了属性TransactionFlow(TransactionFlowOption.Mandatory)w_87来指定一个服务操作的 事务 策略。

  • The solution to transaction flow and profit flow quantification and customer asset optimization employs the model of net present value but there exists difference in its respective affecting factors .

    模型要解决的 交易 、利润流的量化和顾客资产的最优化问题套用了净现值模式,但各自在分解影响因素方面存在差异。

  • Based on wireless and Internet communication technology transaction flow of mail delivery and network communication technology are combined together to develop automatic feedback system of confirmation mailing .

    基于无线通信技术和Internet网络通信技术,作者有机地将物品投递 业务 处理 流程与网络通讯技术相结合,开发了投递确认自动反馈系统。

  • Transaction Flow Based on Agent

    基于agent的 交易 流程

  • Every flow has its own function beans . These function beans can be grouped into the particular interface flow transaction flow and data flow thereby realizing one special the network application of business requirements .

    这些功能豆的拼接可设计出需要的界面流、 事务 和数据流,从而实现一个特定业务需求的网络应用。

  • Customer is the only entrance that the company realizes the ultimate transaction and gets the cash flow . At the same time customer is the resources of benefits and the most important assets of company as well .

    客户资源是企业最终实现 交易并获得现金 流入的唯一入口,是实现利润的唯一来源,是公司最重要的资产。

  • In addition the present paper elaborates in detail the conceptions of variable pool atomic transaction flow control transaction flow and packing and unpacking .

    另为,对中间业务平台引入的变量池、原子交易、流量控制、 交易 和打包解包等概念及其实现,论文也进行了详细的阐述。

  • All connections made in this way in the flow will be coordinated based on the setting of the Coordinated Transaction setting made on the flow .

    所有通过这种方式建立的连接将基于在流上进行的 Coordinated Transaction设置来进行协调。

  • If any particular transaction in a process flow fails appropriate recovery implementations are to be designed to preserve the data integrity .

    一旦有某个特定的 事务在某一 流程中失效,就会有相应的恢复性措施用以维持数据的完整性。

  • The point-to-point transaction flow may fail in the following scenarios .

    在下列情况下,点到点 事务 可能失败。