Have the ordnance we 're caring is tranquilizer guns .
我们带的武器就是 一些 镇定枪。
Blue Vervain has been called a natural tranquilizer and is used as an antiperiodic for nervous problems .
马鞭草是天然的 镇静剂,用作神经系统抗疟之用。
Rabies patient should protect processing in the quiet environment court eunuch may use the tranquilizer to reduce patient 's spasm paralysis and the ache .
狂犬病病人应在安静环境内监护处理,可使用 安定 药以减轻病人的痉 孪、麻痹及疼痛。
After checking the chart he nodded and wrote the man a prescription for a powerful tranquilizer .
医生检查了图表后,点点头,给这个人开了强 镇静剂。
They plan to sedate the giant mammal with a tranquilizer .
他们计划先用镇静剂让这个大 家伙 先 镇定 下来。
If someone walked inside or fell inside there should have been tranquilizer guns there should have been rifles and it should have been three or four minutes he said .
如果有人走进去或掉进去,就应该有 麻醉枪、有步枪,应该只需要三四分钟时间,他说。
Well the tranquilizer 's working and she 's asleep now .
嗯, 吃了 镇静剂 后,她现在已经睡了。
Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects .
笑声是一种没有副作用的 镇静剂。
A drug ( trade name Atarax ) used as a tranquilizer .
被用作 镇静剂的药(商品名Atarax)。
The method taking orally a tranquilizer can lower the excitement of central nervous system lower the sensitivity to the excessively strong vestibule stimulation and lighten its reaction .
内服 镇静剂的方法可以降低中枢神经系统的兴奋性,降低对过强前庭刺激的敏感性,使其反应减轻。
We do have tranquilizer guns but by the time we could organize them he was dead he said .
他说,我们确实有 麻醉枪,但是在我们能做出安排时,他已经死了。
A drug company that dominates the tranquilizer market .
独占 镇静剂市场的制药公司。
Putin quickly shot the beast and sedated it with a tranquilizer gun .
普京迅速用 含 镇静剂 子弹的枪射击,让老虎 安静了 下来。
That 's a tranquilizer gun .
这是把 麻醉枪。
Ketamine is primarily a horse tranquilizer .
克他命主要是用于马匹的 镇定 剂。
Several Chinese herbs including root of Astragalus membranaceus and jujube kernel were decocted in a conventional manner to be 100 % ( g / mL ) Ying Ji An ( stress tranquilizer ) decoctum .
利用黄芪、 枣仁等药物,依常规方法煎煮,制成100%(g/mL)应激安煎液。
Yoga she says is my tranquilizer .
瑜伽,她说,“是我的 镇定 剂。”
A tranquilizer ( trade name Mellaril ) used to treat schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders .
治疗精神分裂症和其他精神病的 镇静 药(商品名Mellaril)。
Authorities hope to track it down and capture it using tranquilizer darts and it will be taken to a nature conservancy area in upstate New York Smith said .
史密斯表示,有关方面希望能够发现它的踪迹,并用 麻醉枪将它捕获,然后送往纽约州北部的一处自然保护区内。
Don 't take the horse tranquilizer .
别吃那个给马 用 的 镇静剂了。
Tom : You 've been issued a knife and a tranquilizer gun . Use them to hunt for food . You 'll also find some medical supplies in your backpack .
不是发给你一把军刀和一 只 麻醉枪吗,用它们猎食吧。在你的背包里还能找到些医疗用品。
N : I 'll go and get you some cough mixture ( a sleeping pill a laxative a tranquilizer a pain-killer ) .
我去给你拿点咳嗽药(眠药,泻药, 安定 药,止疼药)。
A tranquilizer ( trade name Librium ) used in the treatment of alcoholism .
治疗酒精中毒的 镇静剂。
In the group of treatment it is treated by point embedding therapy of surgical catgut soaked by tranquilizer injection one time every two weeks .
治疗组采用经 安定注射液浸泡的羊肠线进行穴位埋植,每隔2周 施治1次。
The second are game wardens who stun with tranquilizer darts then insert tracker microchips into the horn .
第二类人是狩猎监督官。他们用 麻醉枪将犀牛 麻醉后,在它们的角内植入追踪芯片。
Shoot him with a tranquilizer dart or something .
就跟他 来 针 镇定 剂什么的。
Use honey as a tranquilizer and sedative .
蜂蜜有 镇静和安神的功效。
The only thing we 're bring Ted is a tranquilizer .
我们唯一能带给泰德的东西就是 镇静剂。
美[ˈtræŋkwəˌlaɪzɚ, ˈtræn-]英['træŋkwɪlaɪzə]