transportation for life

[ˌtrænspɚˈteʃən fɔr laɪf][ˌtrænspɔ:ˈteiʃən fɔ: laif]

[法] 终身流放

  • All along the construction of transportation projects are the indispensable conditions for residents ' normal life and production but also an important guarantee for the development of the national economy .

    一直以来, 交通项目的建设都是居民 进行正常的 生活和生产经营必不可少的重要条件,也是国民经济发展的重要保障。

  • Nowadays mobile data management technologies have used in many applications such as in the field of military transportation or in the service industries . For example in our daily life we often use GPS navigation system and want to search the nearest hospital or bank .

    目前,移动对象数据管理技术已经在军事, 交通,服务业等领域 获得了非常广泛的应用,如车载GPS的导航系统,查询离自己最近的医院,银行等。

  • The safety take a very important role in aviation transportation for it would cause enormous loss of life and property once there was an accident .

    航空 运输安全责任重大,一旦发生事故,往往会造成极大的社会经济和 人民 生命财产损失。

  • Building a reasonable transportation system is very important and significative for developing economic strengthening military affairs improving our life and enlarging the communion of the international culture and technology etc.

    建立合理的 交通 运输体系, 对于发展经济、加强军事力量、改善人们物质和文化 生活以及扩大国际技术、经济文化的交流等都具有重要意义。

  • The purpose of passenger transportation is to offer the essential condition of going out for the fact that people carry on social activities such as politics economy culture etc. and life .

    旅客 运输的目的是 人们进行政治、经济、文化等社交活动和 生活提供必要的出行条件。

  • The railway which is highly networked is the main form of transportation for passengers and freights in our national economy and social life .

    我国铁路是国民经济和社会 发展 运输大动脉,是网络性特点十分强的 运输方式。

  • Rural Logistics is an equivalent conception to the urban logistics . It refers to the carriage transportation load and discharge package process storage and related activities for rural resident 's production life and other economic engagement .

    农村物流是一个相对于城市物流的概念,它是指 农村居民的生产、 生活以及其他经济活动提供运输、 搬运、装卸、包装、加工、仓储及其相关的一切活动的总称。

  • The importance of transportation for each individual in life is not lower than clothing food and shelter .

    对于 生活中的每一个人来说,其重要性都不亚于衣、食、住。

  • With the rapid development of Chinese economy transportation industry has become a driving force for the development of the economy over-limit and over-load vehicle flock in the highway have caused serious damages to highway shortened the service life of them .

    随着我国经济的大力发展, 公路 运输业已经成为经济发展的动力 超限超载车辆的大量涌入对公路造成严重破坏,缩短了公路的 寿命,因此,治理超限超载的工作势在必行。

  • High intensity-discharge lamp ( HID ) an energy-saving light source of a new generation has been widely applied in transportation civil infrastructure and factories for its high efficiency and long life .

    节能型的新一代电光源高强度气体放电灯(HID)已经广泛应用于 交通、市政、工厂等照明中,其具有光效高, 寿命长等优点。