transmission extension

[trænsˈmɪʃən ɪkˈstɛnʃən][trænzˈmiʃən iksˈtenʃən]


  • In the last 10 years high-voltage SVC developed by China has performed its role in power transmission and distribution system but not got a further step in its extension due to technology and cost factors .

    近10多年来,我国自主研制的高压静止无功补偿设备已经用于 配电系统中,但是受到技术和成本的限制,还远远没有得到应用 推广

  • This paper presented wireless transmission of biometric information which is based on embedded platform has good reliability and flexibility provided reference to the extension of short-distance wireless communication network and embedded systems applications and will have bright prospects .

    本文提出的基于嵌入式平台的生命特征信息无线 传输方案,具有较好的可靠性和灵活性,为短距离无线通信的 扩展应用和嵌入式系统的网络应用提供了参考,应用前景广阔。

  • This dissertation describes the following several main aspects : 1 . Describe characteristics of the wireless channel transmission modes of the signal channel fading and expansion including frequency extension time extension and angle extension .

    本文主要是基于以下几点展开介绍:1.介绍了无线信道的特点,信号的 传播方式,信道的衰落和扩展,包括频率 扩展,时间扩展和角度扩展。

  • Wireless Local Area Network ( abbr. WLAN ) is the offspring of computer network and wireless communication technology . It adopts wireless transmission method to provide wire LAN function and is the supplementary and extension of wire LAN .

    无线局域网(简称WLAN)是计算机网络与无线通信技术相结合的产物,采用无线 传输的方式提供有线局域网的功能,是对有线局域网的补充和 扩展

  • In optical communication system the enlargement of transmission capacity the improvement of transmission rate the extension of transmission distance are all closely linked with nonlinear effect and dispersion effect .

    光纤通信系统中传输容量的扩大、 传输速度的提高、传输距离的 延长都与光纤的损耗、非线性效应、色散效应紧密相关。

  • The system can resolve current need of Hun Nan Industrial and Commercial Network multimedia transmission and has better capability of upgrade and extension for the future continual increasing network requirements ;

    该方案不仅能够解决湖南省工商系统的多媒体数据 通信的需要,而且具有良好的升级和 扩展能力,为将来不断增加的网络需求做准备;

  • The information network and intelligence management of power transmission line can be highly improved by the extension of this technique .

    推广在线监测技术,可以加快我国 输电 线路管理的信息化、网络化、智能化。

  • But there are also problems such as the slow promoting the concept a one-way transmission of information and organizational development inadequate promotion of fund management with an unreasonable extension workers to promote the models and so on .

    但是也存在着推广理念落后,推广信息 传递具有单向性,推广组织发展缓慢,推广资金管理不完善, 推广人员分配不合理,推广模式和方法简单等问题。

  • Recently most of short circuit calculation procedures are suitable for transmission system no graphic interface and operation complicated that limits the extension and application of this software in a certain extent .

    目前大多数电力部门使用的是适合于 输电系统、无图形界面、且操作复杂的短路计算程序,这在一定程度上限制了该软件的 推广与应用。

  • However the cable networks are only able to transport data along one-dimensional line transmission needs of conductor medium which has inevitably disadvantages of damaging buildings a waste of interfaces maintenance and extension difficulties . Many devices also require flexibility and mobility under specified cases .

    但是,有线网络只能沿着一维的线路传输数据, 传输需要导体介质,这就不可避免地具有破坏建筑、浪费接口、检修困难、 扩展困难的弊病,有些特殊情况还要求设备具有灵活性和移动性。

  • As the main channel of information transmission computer networks will be the key to the future extension of the battlefield .

    作为信息 传输的主要通道,计算机网络将成为未来战场的主宰 延伸

  • NCS provides data transmission among equipments and let users on different locations to realize the resource sharing and coordination of operations . It is the extension and application of Ethernet technology in the control system field .

    网络控制系统提供了设备之间的数据 传输,使该区域内不同地点的用户实现资源共享和协调操作,是计算机网络技术在控制领域的 延伸和应用。

  • Flow control is the important technique to smooth the data flow in network enhance the network throughput and improve the reliability of the data transmission in the application of the storage extension .

    流量控制是实现存储 扩展应用中平滑数据流量、提高网络吞吐力和数据 传输可靠性的重要技术手段。

  • Based on the requirements of information security for spacecraft telecommand and data protection mechanism adopted the weakness of short length spacecraft telecommand messages in secure transmission was analyzed . To overcome the weakness a message extension method based on physical chaos source and its application were presented .

    针对航天器遥控信息安全需求和相应的数据保护机制,分析了遥控短消息在安全 传输中的弱点,提出了一种用于改善该弱点的基于物理噪声源的消息 扩展方法,以及其应用实例;

  • Overall design and implementation of the model is achieved by studying authentication based on encryption lock data transmission security based on SOAP extension data exchange technology and compression technology based on Web Service .

    通过对基于加密锁的身份认证技术、基于SOAP 扩展的数据 传输安全技术、基于WEBService数据交换技术、压缩技术进行研究,本文基于.NET平台完成了该模型的总体设计及实现。

  • The result shows that the transmission property is related to the random degree frequency and the number of dielectric layers and there exists band-gap extension due to the non-relating disorder of dielectric layer 's thickness .

    结果表明:光 透射谱与无序程度、频率和介质层数有关,介质层厚度的非关联无序导致光子带隙 展宽

  • In the vertical circulating parking equipment the power device drives the chain transmission system and the latter pulls the cages to circulate through the chain extension components .

    在垂直循环停车设备中,动力装置带动链 传动系统运行,再经链条 外伸件牵引存车托架循环运动,完成存、取车辆作业。

  • The protocol defines the transmission of process bus simplifies the complex connection of the substation system with the characteristics of flexibility opening and extension in accordance with the present development of digital systems .

    该标准定义了过程总线 传输 方式,简化了变电站系统复杂接线状况,符合当前数字化系统的发展,具备很好的灵活性、开放性、 扩展性。