tracing distortion

[ˈtresɪŋ dɪˈstɔrʃən][ˈtreɪsɪŋ dɪˈstɔ:ʃən]


  • A TV target tracing system has following features : real-time image indistinctness on the ground of dynamic tracing and external environmental distortion high noise background intensity and so on .

    电视目标跟踪系统实时性强,由于是动态 跟踪和外界环境 干扰,所以导致图像不清晰、背景噪声较强。

  • Some algorithms about general light ray tracing and imaging system have been designed according to the basic principle of geometrical optics . At last the planar and spatial optics imaging distortion has been researched based on the algorithm .

    本文根据几何光学的基本原理设计了通用光线追 、成像系统等的算法,最后应用算法分别就平面和空间的光学成像 变形进行了研究。