trailing antenna


  • Analysis the Impedance of the Dual Trailing Wire Antenna ( DTWA ) on an Aircraft

    浅析机载甚低频双 拖曳 天线的辐射特性

  • The general trailing antenna have some disadvantages such as large noise low efficiency and shallow communication death so on .

    常规 拖曳 天线 通信存在噪声大、效率低及通信深度浅等缺点,从而 严重影响 潜艇 战斗 性能的发挥。

  • Analysis on the testing and control project for the trailing antenna of submarine

    关于潜艇 拖曳 天线测控方案的探讨

  • The Dual Trailing Wire Antenna ( DTWA ) on an Aircraft antenna system is used to transmit VLF / LF messages to submarines .

    机载甚低频天线系统中的双 拖曳 天线是用于对潜通信VLF/LF的发射 天线

  • Study on radio navigation and position experiment with trailing wire antenna

    拖曳 天线用于无线电导航定位试验研究

  • Thermal noise on design of extremely low frequency trailing H-field antenna

    超低频 拖曳磁场 天线设计中的热噪声研究