traffic expense

[ˈtræfɪk ɪkˈspɛns][ˈtræfik iksˈpens]


  • The research was designed from contact security public security and traffic safety network security and expense security .

    研究从交往安全、治安与 交通安全、网络安全及 消费安全四个角度设计调查问卷。

  • Since the collapse of the Soviet Union the Russian oil and gas industries have been confronting serious difficulties due to investment decrease obsolete equipment traffic expense and domestic tax much higher than the level of international market .

    苏联解体后,由于投资下降、设备老化、 运输 成本及国内税率大大高于国际市场等特点,石油、天然气工业面临着严重的困难。

  • The taxi is the most important part in a city public traffic . The taxi mileometer is a special computation instrument which show the milemeter and the total expense for passengers through installing taxi .

    出租汽车是城市公共 交通的重要组成部分,出租汽车计价器是一种专用的计量仪器,它安装在出租汽车上,指示出载客里程数,以及乘客应付 费用的总数。