trade cost system

[treid kɔst ˈsɪstəm][treid kɔst ˈsistəm]

[经] 商业成本制度

  • Open justness and fair trade market of construction products developed engineering cost information net and perfect system and rule of law are the corresponding outside environment of popularizing of list of quantities pricing .

    公开、公正、公平的建筑产品 交易市场、发达的工程 造价信息网以及完善的相关 制度法规是推广工程量清单计价模式应具备的外部配套环境;

  • The research result of this paper can help garment enterprises and foreign trade companies check cost accurately which can increase transparence of quotation and be helpful to establish an open fair just price system .

    本课题的研究结果可帮助服装企业和 外贸公司对服装 成本进行准确的核算,增加报价的透明度,有利于建立公开、公平、公正的价格 体系

  • From the perspective of the whole industry the processing trade industry of Shandong province should change the situation that it rely on its comparative advantage of low labor cost too much and reform the system of scientific research to encourage the innovation of science and technology .

    从产业层面来看,山东省加工 贸易需要改变自身过度依赖劳动力 成本优势的现状,改进科研 体制,鼓励技术创新。

  • Distribution lines for realizing the reasonable establishing trade logistics information capital of the organic unity to create high quality high efficiency low cost of modern logistics distribution system has a very important role .

    配送线路的合理制定对于实现 商流、物流、信息流、资金流的有机统一,打造优质、高效、低 成本的现代物流配送 体系具有十分重要的作用。

  • This system mainly includes the modules such as inquiring of generator parameter inquiring of historical trade cost analysis bidding strategy etc. the system is made to help the decision makers of generation company to make reasonable and efficient bidding decision in the electricity market .

    该系统主要包括机组参数查询、历史 交易查询、 电价 成本分析、报价决策等模块。其目的是为了帮助发电厂商决策人员和报价人员在电力市场中进行合理地报价。

  • The theoretical models of the new system economics which are based on the trade cost theory lay stress on the researches of the system and the economic growth .

    新制度经济学的理论范式以 交易 成本论为基础,注重 制度和经济增长的研究。

  • Various internet techniques related with the Electronic Commerce while boosting the global trade lowering the trade cost and accelerating the enterprises ' efficiency have challenged the traditional legal idea and system on it .

    电子商务所涉及的各种网络技术在促进全球贸易、节约 交易 成本以及提高企业生产效率的同时,也对人类社会传统的法律观念和 体系提出了全方位的挑战。

  • Trade cost and new style countryside cooperation medical system 's sustainable development

    交易 成本与新型农村合作医疗 制度可持续发展

  • The trade cost theory and the market efficiency theory are the economics foundation on which securities broker system is based . The theory of principal agent is the economic theoretical foundation from which securities broker system is evolved .

    交易 成本理论、市场效率理论是证券经纪人制度产生与发展的经济学基础,委托代理理论是设计和完善证券经纪人 制度的经济理论依据。

  • A Comparative Study of the Pricing of Stock in trade under the Historical Cost System

    历史 成本 存货计价的比较研究

  • The former proposes the idea of trade cost which becomes the solid foundation of the economics of trade cost and new system .

    前者因提出了交易成本的思想,直接为 交易 成本经济学乃至整个新 制度经济学奠定了坚实的理论基础;

  • The development of urban logistics could facilitate to lower the social trade cost to enhance the efficiency of economic system and to improve the investment environment .

    发展城市物流有利于降低社会 交易 成本、有利于提高经济 运行效率、有利于改善城市的投资环境。

  • Division is the reason for trade cost and system . Trade cost and the level of specialization decide the division pattern and equilibrium division pattern produce the system selection .

    分工是 制度和交易费用产生的原因, 交易 费用和专业化水平决定分工模式,均衡的分工模式内生制度选择。