trade assets


  • Don 't trade productive assets for idle or costly ones .

    不要 生产性 资产换闲置 资产或奢侈资产。

  • Property Exchanges are now taking initiatives to attract more non-state-owned SMEs to trade their assets debts equity and intellectual property there .

    目前,产权 交易机构已成为大量优质的国有及非国有 产权 资源的汇聚场所。

  • Article 39 No organization or individual may occupy misappropriate or arbitrarily allocate a trade union 's assets funds or immovable property allocated by the State for use by the trade union .

    第三十九条 工会 财产、经费和国家拨给工会使用的不动产,任何组织和个人不得侵占、挪用和任意调拨。

  • The developed market-economy countries have perfected their legislation in encouraging the foreign direct investment transnational annex and trade of assets .

    发达的市场经济国家在鼓励外国直接投资、跨国的购并及 产权 交易方面,已建立了完善的法律体系。

  • Chapter V trade union funds and assets

    第五章 工会的经费和 财产

  • The biggest new feature of the guidelines is the introduction of fair value measurement attributes financial assets investment property debt restructuring trade and other non-monetary assets are for the use of fair value measurement as its primary means .

    新准则的最大的特色之一是引入了公允价值计量属性,金融资产、投资性房地产、债务重组、非货币性 资产 交易等准则中均运用公允价值作为其主要计量手段。

  • The Related Trade Analysis in the Rearrangement of Assets of Listed Company of China

    我国上市公司 资产重组中的关联 交易分析

  • Financial Assets is an important component of the national wealth to enter financing and produce the trade of the financial assets is frequent and important increasingly in the economic life and financial assets value assessment is foundations of the trade of the financial assets .

    金融资产是国民财富的重要组成部分,金融 资产 交易在经济生活中日益频繁和重要,而金融资产价值评估是金融资产交易的基础。

  • Around the globe a real-world trade has emerged around virtual assets .

    从全球范围来说,围绕虚拟 资产的真实世界的 交易正在兴起。

  • Supervision and control of capital construction of trade union that is the important component part of supervision of trade union 's assets should be strengthened .

    工会基本建设监管是 工会 资产监管的重要内容。我们应该把工会基本建设的监管作为工会 资产监管的重中之 重来抓,切实推动工会 资产监管工作乃至工运事业不断前进。

  • So liquidity is the capability that investors can rapidly trade large volume assets by rational prices according to market'demand and supply .

    因此也可以说,流动性实际上就是投资者根据市场的供求状况,以合理的价格迅速 交易一定数量 资产的能力。

  • The article deals with the problem of managerial strategies over the patent trademark trade secret of the intangible assets .

    本文主要对无形 资产管理中的专利管理策略,商标管理策略和 商业秘密管理策略进行了探讨。

  • Trade financing is a kind of assets operation which carries the characters of security profitability and liquidity .

    贸易融资是商业银行一项集安全性、盈利性、流动性于一身的 资产业务。

  • Firstly the presupposition of the trade in the World Trade Assets Market is that state-owned enterprises should be converted as required by the companies act .

    首先,世界 产权 贸易市场的交易前提,就是中国国有企业须严格按着公司法进行改制。

  • Markets have been debating whether the banks will use the cheap loans to buy higher yielding government debt in a classic carry trade rather than finance existing assets .

    市场在辩论的是,银行是否会利用这些低息贷款去购买收益率更高的政府债券(即从事传统的套利 交易),而不会将其用于为现有 资产提供融资。

  • The mode is unsuitable for property rights trade in material form that the assets are divided into equal portions .

    实物形态的产权 交易是不宜采用 等额划分的方式来进行的。

  • The research shows that China 's container port throughput has a positive correlation with foreign trade volume and port fixed assets investment negative correlation with GDP and interest rate .

    结果说明,集装箱港口吞吐量与对外 贸易额、港口固定 资产投资正相关,与国民生产总值、利率负相关,和国际上流行的集装箱港口吞吐量发展理论相悖。

  • Maths - analysis of the renewal and trade - in of fixed assets

    固定 资产更新 改造方法的数学分析

  • The analysis and appraising research of trade risk of assets securitization

    资产证券化 交易风险分析与评价研究

  • Supply Chain Coordination Based on Retailer Trade Credit with Assets

    基于 资产的零售商 延期付款与供应链协调

  • Market system improved more perfectly trade of Fictitious assets is quite proportion in the international market system it has more exceeded the trade of the Real object merchandise .

    市场体系更加丰富多彩,虚拟 资产 交易 占据了相当大的份额,在国际市场体系中,虚拟 资产的交易已超过了实物商品的交易。

  • The primary locus of modern rent-seeking is the overblown financial sector where burgeoning trade in existing assets has overwhelmed the creation of new wealth attracting scarce talent from elsewhere and creating instability .

    现代寻租的主要场所是过度膨胀的金融领域。在这里,对现有 资产的活跃 交易远远超过了对新财富的创造,从其它领域吸引稀缺人才,制造不稳定。

  • On the other hand it strongly improves the foundation and perfection of the national or international trade assets systems / regulations .

    另一方面,又有力地推动了全球性的和国家 地域性的 产权 交易规则及法律制度的建立及完善。

  • The Legal Protection of Trade Union Funds and Assets

    工会经费和 财产的法律保护

  • This is in response to demand from hedge funds and other traders who increasingly prefer to trade such assets simultaneously .

    此举是对对冲基金和其它交易商需求的回应,它们越来越倾向于同时 交易这些 资产

  • Founders of the World Trade Assets Market believe that the investment of China would be better and better for foreign investors .

    世界 产权 贸易市场的创立者们坚信中国的投资环境会越来越有利于外国投资者。

  • For years China has in effect been recycling its growing trade surplus into dollar assets helping to keep us interest rates low allowing the American consumer to borrow and buy more cheap Chinese imports .

    多年来,中国实际上一直在不断地将日益增长的 贸易盈余转化为美元 资产,帮助将美国利率保持在低位,使美国消费者得以借贷和购买更多廉价中国进口商品。